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    The Unknown Place – (Chapter: Chapter 5: “Dance Dance”)

    They made it to the side of the club where the line was unbelievably long. Luckily they were regulars so the bouncers let them bypass the line and head in with much protest to the others waiting to get in. Walking in, the club was packed the lines to the two bars were both in frantic rotation with about 4 bartenders behind each flirting and mixing drinks deliciously.

    Aiden immediately got lost in the dance crowd to ‘Here I Come’ by Fergie, leaving Jai with the ladies

    "Hey I’m gonna go grab us a table. Why don’t you go get us some drinks big fella?"

    "Sure. Orders please ladies"

    "You know us, make it a surprise. Let’s see how good your skills are."

    "A challenge. I accept." and with that Jai was off

    Moments later Jai found the girls at a comfy booth that they had to luck up on because they are normally taken fairly quickly.

    "I’m baaaaack. Tell me how good I am. Record time with getting the drinks from the bar and I know I got the perfect drinks for you two."

    "We’ll be the judges of that now hand ‘em over."

    "For you my lady, an Amaretto sour" to Spencer. "And for you" to Ashley, "I have the perfect shot/drink combo since you have a higher tolerance than our little lightweight here"

    "I resent that" Spencer says "and I do agree with the drink choice. It’s my favorite."

    "Okay my turn come on big guy. Let me see what you got."

    "Calm down butthead. First we have a shot." he hands her the shot “it’s a Royal Fuck"

    "I already like the sound of that!" and she shoots it. "Not bad. A little sissy drink though"

    "That was just to tickle your taste buds. Next we have a personal favorite of mine. Jungle Juice"

    Ashley eyes the drink for a moment then takes a few long sips "okay you got me, I love this."

    "I knew you would. Never doubt the alcoholic gay guy. I know what I know and I know my alcohol."

    – 1 AM –

    After a few more Ice Bomb, Kamikaze, and Jager shots Ashley and Jai were feeling very pretty on the inside.

    "I gotta pee!" Ashley exclaimed to no one in particular more loudly than necessary and slid unceremoniously out of the booth.

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