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    The Unknown Place – (Chapter: Chapter 6: “Seriously!!!”)

    As Ashley and Spencer make their way out not bothering with saying goodbye to the guys they make it to the car in one piece after dodging in front of cars and frantically trying to hold their composures. When the approach the car Spencer pushes Ashley against the trunk of the car and aggressively claims her lips in a passionate kiss. Taken back a bit Ashley slowly progresses the action and starts to rub up the front of Spencer’s blouse playing with the trembling stomach and soft skin. Spencer is the first to break the kiss after a few cat calls are heard and tells Ashley that maybe they should head home and continue this. Ashley walks Spencer to her side of the car and goes back to her side to find a flat tire. "You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I just got these fuckers replaced two weeks ago!" Hearing Ashley yelling outside the car Spencer steps back out. "What hun, what’s the matter…oh." Ashley starts pacing "how the hell…I don’t remember running over anything on the way here and it doesn’t look like anyone did this on purpose. Dammit!" "Calm down sweetie. Let’s just call the guys to change the spare and we can take care of the rest in the morning." "Fine. Whatever."


    After they get a hold of the boys and tell them where they are they get Aiden to change the tire after Jai says he was too cute to change a tire and his outfit cost more than the tire on the damn car so he wasn’t risking ruining it.

    "You are such a girl you jack ass" Aiden replies to Jai

    "Girl or no girl I ain’t changing the damn thing and that’s all that matters."

    "Well at least humor me and hand me the jack out of the trunk then."

    "And that is"

    "Oh never mind. Dammit you are worse than the girls. You are truly a lost cause"

    "Screw you ass face"

    "You wish"

    "Hello guys can we not do this and fix my damn tire so I can get Spencer to bed. She has had a long day and this is just prolonging it."

    "Hold your horses. It’ll take me a few minutes and you can go do whatever lesbionic things you were just talking about between the lines of what you just said."

    "Yeah yeah kiss my ass and fix my tire."

    "Ash would you be nice. He doesn’t have to do this for us."



    They make it back to Spencer’s and quickly change into pajamas and get in the bed.



    "Are we gonna contin–"

    "I’m really tired hun. I really want to but I honestly feel like I would fall asleep before we even got our clothes off each other."

    "Gahhh…I am so relieved. I don’t think I have ever been that frustrated and tired in my life."

    "Don’t be so excited about it"

    "Babe you know I can’t resist you but sleep is the one exception and right now it is about to take over me."

    She kisses Ashley’s forehead. "You’re so weird but goodnight hun."

    "Night. Love you"

    "Love you too"

    They fall asleep holding each other after gentle kisses and nuzzling closer to keep warm.


    1. This story is cool. I love how sweet Spashley are together. It’s nice to read a story about Spencer and Ashley just being a couple. Not so much drama. PMS!

    2. This story is cool. I love how sweet Spashley are together. It’s nice to read a story about Spencer and Ashley just being a couple. Not so much drama. PMS!

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