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    The Unknown Place – (Chapter: Chapter 7: “Shopping & Chocolate Lovin'”)

    Aiden wakes to a slamming door. “No, I wasn’t sleeping here on the couch” he gripes.

    “Do you even go home man. Why do you even keep that place. It’s a waste of money.”

    “Not when I bring the ladies back to it. It’s like my own private love shack.”

    “Yeah well lover boy get off your ass we need to go out today.”

    “I like it right where I am at the moment” he says and pulls his blanket over his head as he lays back down.

    “Aww come on man I am going through withdrawals. I need to spend some money. Will you please please please call up the girlies and see if they want to shop the day away with me?”

    “Jeez, Jai. Desperate much?”

    “I just want to go out and see what that new mall has to offer. I need new attire and I know the girls would appreciate it plus they have much better taste than you do so I actually need them to come. Not that I don’t enjoy your company.”

    “Yeah sure. Hurt my feelings then give me a compliment, I see how you work.”

    “I love you more than my luggage and you know it.”

    “You are so gay. I don’t even know why we’re friends.”

    “It’s because you secretly want my body”

    “Okay gross. Leaving now.”

    “No wait! I’m sorry.” After a long pause “Will you call the girls for me now then?” Jai says putting on the sweetest smile ever.

    “I so fucking hate you, you ass face.”

    “Well you know…”

    “Don’t you even finish that thought. That sentence might have cost you my friendship.”

    “You suck”

    “No actually you do.”

    Jai just smirks and gives an evil grin and Aiden walks away from him yelling. “You’re a hopeless cause man.”

    “Yeah, yeah just make sure you call the girls” Jai shouts at Aiden’s retreating back.


    An hour or so later the gang is piled into Aiden’s truck while Jai is driving with Spencer in the passenger seat since she had the best sense of direction and they’ve never really been to this particular mall.

    “God Aiden what is this garbage?” Ashley frowns referring to the music on the radio.

    “Hey don’t look at me. It’s the driver’s selection. I don’t even know who this is or what radio station because when he got it the first thing he did was toggle with the knobs and I don’t know how to change it back.”

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    1. I stumbled upon this little gem and I’m disappointed that you haven’t updated in months. I love…love this story, it’s really great and has all the Spashley fluff without all the angst. I was especially looking forward to the fredericks of hollywood after party, if you know what I mean?

    2. I stumbled upon this little gem and I’m disappointed that you haven’t updated in months. I love…love this story, it’s really great and has all the Spashley fluff without all the angst. I was especially looking forward to the fredericks of hollywood after party, if you know what I mean?

    3. i just read all the chapters and i have to say you are hilarious. every chapter has a hilarious moment. it might not even really be funny, but i’m kinda sugar high so everything is funny right about now. i’m loving this story. pms

    4. i just read all the chapters and i have to say you are hilarious. every chapter has a hilarious moment. it might not even really be funny, but i’m kinda sugar high so everything is funny right about now. i’m loving this story. pms

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