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    This is what happens

     This is what happens….


    We’re only thirty minutes into the movie when I feel that sly hand creep up my thigh. I don’t blame her though; it’s been a week since we’ve had sex. It’s not what you think; it’s just that I’ve been really busy with work. But tonight, we agreed to have a little us time. However, I’m getting the feeling that she wants to skip a few steps because her hand is slowly inching it’s way up.


    “Ash,” I groan, pushing her hand away.




    “We’re here to watch the movie,” I explain, shifting in my seat.


    “I know, I know,” she answers, “I’m sorry.” She pauses and leans in closer. Whispering in my ear, she goes, “I am sorry, I just missed you this past week. It feels like it’s been forever. And you look really sexy right now,” she takes the time to place her hand back on my thigh, rubbing a little.


    “Mmm,” I moan, “I’ve missed you too.”


    “We can leave,” she suggests, “The movie theater will always be here. We can come back another time. But now, we can just go home, and get under the covers, and relax in our warm bed.”


    “Ash,” I begin.


    “Please?” she begs. “Please,” she says again, moving even closer. Before I know it, her lips are attached to my neck. She gently pushes my hair behind my ears and starts sucking on the sensitive skin. “Please. I know you want to.”


    “Ok, ok,” I reply, giving in to her.


    Like I always do. Oh well.




    “Ash, stop, I can’t get the key in the door,” I complain, because I’m trying to unlock our door and she has her arms wrapped around my waist and she’s sucking on my pulse point.


    “I’ll get my key in your door in a little bit”, she says in her sexy tone of voice.


    I finally manage to unlock it and as soon as we enter, she’s all over me. She quickly closes the door and pushes me against it. Her toned body is roughly pressed up against me. Her hands find their way to my waist and pull me closer.

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    1. :O oh thats cold!!! lol took forever to read sorry ben super busy but i LOVED it lol man now im horny……as always lol anyways we need more :D pms please :D

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