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    This is why… – (Chapter: You and me, we like the same kind of music)

    "Regular mocha.  Please," Ashley said, digging into her jeans for the few bucks she had left to her name.  Her fingers found the singles as change dropped to the floor of the coffeehouse.  She missed the barista’s response and asked, "What?" as she scooped up a rogue quarter.

    "I said, no," the barista repeated.

    "Um, what?"  She did not just deny my order.

    "You come in here every Wednesday afternoon and every Friday night and you order the same thing.  You need a change of pace.  We just got our new holiday flavor that you’ll–."

    Ashley cut her off.  "I’ve got three bucks, just enough for my Wedneday afternoon coffee.  After I get my paycheck, I’ll try your holiday flavor.  Deal?"  She put the $3.25 on the counter and walked over to her regular table, ignoring the open-mouthed coffee girl whose name, according to her embroidered visor, was Cate.

    Slumping into her seat, Ashley unzipped her messenger bag and pulled out her laptop cord and headphones.  She plugged in, booted up and Cate appeared at the table carrying a large mug topped with whipped cream, red sprinkles, and chocolate stirrer.  Ashley sighed, "I didn’t–."

    "I know," Cate responded, setting the drink down.  "I said you needed a change.  I’m giving it to you."

    "But I didn’t–."

    "Don’t worry about it.  If you didn’t notice, you’re the only one here.  I’m the only one working.  It can be our little secret."  With that, she winked, and walked away.  Ashley looked around — the cafe was empty, very odd for 3 in the afternoon.  Usually the college kids from up the street were jostling for tables, swiping extra sugar for their apartments, and knocking the cup covers to the ground while Ashley huddled in her corner to work.

    "Fall break."


    "Fall break.  That’s why it’s empty," Cate said, wiping off a nearby table.  "Everyone’s home.  Well, everyone who can afford to go home.  Unlike me.  And…unlike…you?"

    Ashley never liked talking to random people, especially here.  She came here to work and refuel before she went to see Spencer.  The caffiene somehow calmed her down, settled her nervous stomach on her twice-a-week visits.  Those two days were the only ones allotted to her — she had to make sure she was ready to soak up every minute and being first-date nervous made it worse.  She always got a mocha to go for Spencer, even though on most days, it was too much for her to drink while they ate together.

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    1. what a sad challenge! i’m feeling like i don’t want to read this, sad spashley puts me in a mood! but i know i’m going to read it anyway because you’ve definitely got something here, you’re a wonderful writer!

    2. what a sad challenge! i’m feeling like i don’t want to read this, sad spashley puts me in a mood! but i know i’m going to read it anyway because you’ve definitely got something here, you’re a wonderful writer!

    3. you are an EXCELLENT writer….not sure it matters what you write…I know I will enjoy reading it :) I am bummed that based on the challenge this sounds like it will be a sad story…but you write so well…I will definitely be following it.

    4. you are an EXCELLENT writer….not sure it matters what you write…I know I will enjoy reading it :) I am bummed that based on the challenge this sounds like it will be a sad story…but you write so well…I will definitely be following it.

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