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    Thursdays – (Chapter: May I Take Your Order?)


                Spencer woke up the next morning at the foot of her bed. She couldn’t remember how she had made it all of the way to her room. Her face was stiff from dried tears, and the poor girl was so exhausted, you would have thought she had just run a marathon. Emotionally she was drained. Somehow, Spencer forced herself out of bed and went in search of a shower to rejuvenate her.


    The warm water was refreshing. Every drop helped wash away the pain that yesterday had caused. Today, in her mother’s words, Spencer would “forget” the whole thing ever happened. When the blonde finally reemerged, she went in search of some delicious coffee and fresh air. As she left her apartment, Spencer still had about an hour before work, and she decided that she would go for a much needed walk after retrieving her cappuccino.


    As she made her way around the neighborhood, Spencer took the time to notice the things around her. There are so many things that exist around you that go unnoticed when you are trapped in your own world. Most people are only able to see their start and finish. They never take the time to observe what lies in between, and while Spencer was walking, she noticed so many things that weren’t there before. She never knew that there was a playground across the street from the convenient store, or that there was an art studio just down the street from her apartment. As she neared her work, Spencer took the time to notice one more unique store. It was called Speed and Strength Sports. For a moment she wondered why it sounded so familiar. When realization finally struck the blonde, she got an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Without knowing what she was doing, Spencer soon found her self reluctantly walking into the store.


    Blue eyes scanned the room. There was sports equipment everywhere. She saw bats and clubs against the wall, cleats on shelves, and pads in baskets. This place seemed like an athlete’s paradise. As she looked over towards a far wall, Spencer spotted Aaron helping a little boy try on a football helmet. The sight was almost adorable. This was insane. What was she doing here? In a state of panic, Spencer hastily started making her way to the door.

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    1. LMAO!!! OMG…MUFFIN! HA! Yeah my stomach hurts soo bad right now from laughing so hard! That was great comic, I loved it! Also, I’m glad I could be of some help in the word department, anytime. ;) Oh man and when Ashley said that about Mental problems, LOL! Damn this is probably my favorite chapter so far. Please update soon, and I’ll pay ya in goodies if you keep having Spencer call Ashley muffin! hehe ;)

    2. LMAO!!! OMG…MUFFIN! HA! Yeah my stomach hurts soo bad right now from laughing so hard! That was great comic, I loved it! Also, I’m glad I could be of some help in the word department, anytime. ;) Oh man and when Ashley said that about Mental problems, LOL! Damn this is probably my favorite chapter so far. Please update soon, and I’ll pay ya in goodies if you keep having Spencer call Ashley muffin! hehe ;)

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