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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Music Lessons)


                Spencer was at work the following Monday. She had gone by Aaron’s store over the weekend, but they hadn’t been able to go out as planned. He had apologetically told her that his boss wouldn’t let him leave. Apparently with the new baseball season starting, the store had gotten tied up with needy kids and their frantic parents. Part of Spencer was upset that she couldn’t see Aaron, but a bigger part of her was relieved that they could save the awkward conversations for later.


    So here she was, filing papers diligently, and bored out of her mind. The clock seemed to tick slower every second, and only two people had come in for appointments; one was a broke, middle-aged man who had suffered nervous break downs, and the other was the regular who saw imaginary friends. To add to her torture, Glenda had also been humming the tune to some TV show, one from before Spencer was born, for the past half hour. The blonde silently prayed for some miracle to happen that would keep her from going insane.




    Wow miracles work fast. Spencer instantly recognized the voice and already had a smile on her face before she was even turned around. “Hey Ash,” she greeted, pure happiness in her tone. “What are you doing here? It’s not Thursday.” Spencer subtly checked her calendar just incase. With everything going on in her life right now, she wouldn’t be surprised if the entire week had gone by without her knowing it.


    “I know. Do I need a reason to be hear?” The brunette stared at her with a humorous smile.


    “Well most people generally come here for an appointment,” Spencer laughed.


    “Well I’ve decided to start a new trend. I’m turning psychiatric offices into the newest, young adult hangout zones. This place is going to be famous!”


    “Well I’m glad that we can be of service to your crazy ideas.”


    Seeing Ashley was definitely what Spencer had needed. She could already feel her bad mood quickly fading away. Fortunately, her manager was also out to lunch and Spencer was caught up on her work, so she had a moment to speak to the energetic brunette.

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    1. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

    2. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

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