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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.10: Spencer, Meet Your Answered Wishes)

    Staring at the word ‘Ladies’ on the door in front of her, Spencer rubbed her forehead with the palm of her right hand and combed the blonde wisps of hair out of her eyes with her fingers, still overwhelmed by what had just happened. Seconds after Ashley ran away and into the bathroom, Spencer went with her gut and followed after her, but once she reached the door she was staring at now, something stopped her from going in. She felt old Spencer bubbling through to the surface and in good old Spencer style, she began making a pro/con list in her head of taking the two steps forward and pushing that door open.

    Con: She just ran away from me crying. Never a good sign.

    Pro: I’m pretty sure she feels the same way about me as I do about her.

    Con: We both have men we came here with and who we’re expected to leave here with.

    Pro: If I go in, we could talk, get things out in the open.

    Con: I could be infringing on her personal space which she probably needs right now.

    Pro: God, she’s beautiful.

    Damnit. This is getting me nowhere. Okay, Big Guy. Let’s give you one more shot, huh? Give me a sign. Just one simple sign that tells me whether or not I should open this door or not. Come on, I’m not asking you to raise someone from the dead or turn water into wine, just a teeny tiny signal, that’s all.





    Wow, thanks, you really –

    Spencer’s thoughts were interrupted by two girls barging out of the door and barreling into her.

    “Oh my god, like, seriously, she can’t hold in her barf until she gets home? I don’t want to hear that when I’m trying to fix my makeup!”

    “I know, what the hell? God, we’re lucky she made it to the toilet. I thought for sure she was going to vomit all over…”

    Making a mental note to go to church the Sunday she got back to the city and sending up a quick ‘Thanks’ to the Big Man Upstairs, Spencer shoved the two bimbos out of the way and caught the door as it was almost closing.

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    1. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    2. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    3. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

    4. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    5. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    6. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

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