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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.11: Spencer, Meet…Oh, My.)

    Thumbing through her wallet to find the right change for the taxi driver, Spencer could see Ashley making a bee line for the cabin out of the corner of her eye. Becoming frustrated, she yanked out a stack of twenty’s, shoved them in the driver’s hands and started a quick jog, attempting to catch up with the brunette.

    She closed the front door behind her just in time to see the wood door to Ashley and Aiden’s bedroom creaking shut, the final click practically yelling “Leave me alone!”

    Once again, Spencer was at a loss as to what to do. Thinking back to the past couple days, she decided to try her luck with actions she already knew worked. First, she went and prepared a cup of the strongest coffee she could find and added just a splash of honey, her own concoction to significantly reduce hangovers. She scribbled a note on a slip of paper, grabbed some saltines in one hand and the coffee in the other and set the offerings outside the bedroom door, sliding the note underneath. Then she went into her bedroom and waited.

    Two minutes went by and she snuck a look out, the coffee still steaming and crackers still resting where she had placed them. Another ten went by, and the steam was gone. Twenty minutes later Spencer noticed Sal, finally awaking from his doggy dream sniffing around the crackers, nudging it with his nose.

    Plan A: Failed.

    Onto Plan B. After picking up the cup and package and setting them in the kitchen, Spencer stood nose to nose with the wood door, close enough to feel the rush of air bursting out of the crack, tickling her feet. She crinkled up her toes in response and with one large breath she closed her eyes and began.

    Okay, here I am again Big Guy. I know, kind of needy. I realize that I said I would only ask for that one sign, but things did not quite go as planned, ergo here I am, standing in front of a door once again, asking you for a favor. Please, just give me something, anything. I don’t know what to do anymore.

    As Spencer stands there, memorizing every texture, every color change, every knot in the wood, she is reminded of the drive up to the cabin, ignoring Patrick’s blabbering and mentally trying to slow down the car enough so that she could appreciate every tree she passed. God, that seems like such a long time ago.

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    1. it’s like…he knew all along. like, ever since the first day ash and spencer met. it’s insane! like, i really do feel bad for the guy cuz he’s such a lovable dope. but still…i want spashley together damn it lol. and i shall have them together even if i have to somehow hack into your account, even though i’m totally unaware of how to even go about that process lol, and rewrite something! bahaha. evil mastermind at work…i’m tellin ya lol. anyways, that was an awesome chapter for sure. so good. SO good. i definitely missed this story, as i always do between updates. so excited for the next.

    2. it’s like…he knew all along. like, ever since the first day ash and spencer met. it’s insane! like, i really do feel bad for the guy cuz he’s such a lovable dope. but still…i want spashley together damn it lol. and i shall have them together even if i have to somehow hack into your account, even though i’m totally unaware of how to even go about that process lol, and rewrite something! bahaha. evil mastermind at work…i’m tellin ya lol. anyways, that was an awesome chapter for sure. so good. SO good. i definitely missed this story, as i always do between updates. so excited for the next.

    3. So when Patrick says he will be gone tomorrow, does he mean for good? I’m assuming so. I feel kind of bad for the guy but hey, you can’t keep Spashley apart. So now we just have one roadblock: Aiden. The question is what are Ashley’s feelings towards Aiden? Will it be easy for her to choose between Spencer and Aiden? Probably not. Anyway, love the story, loved the update. PMS!

    4. So when Patrick says he will be gone tomorrow, does he mean for good? I’m assuming so. I feel kind of bad for the guy but hey, you can’t keep Spashley apart. So now we just have one roadblock: Aiden. The question is what are Ashley’s feelings towards Aiden? Will it be easy for her to choose between Spencer and Aiden? Probably not. Anyway, love the story, loved the update. PMS!

    5. That was so worth the wait. You’ve written another great chapter of one of my favorite fic’s. Patrick may be boring, but he’s not dumb. He could see this coming, and after what happened at the club, he knows it’s time to move on. Still, sad for him…Spencer’s a pretty special girl. But..yeah for Spashley! Can’t wait to read your next installment and see how things go with Ash and Aiden. PMS!!!

    6. That was so worth the wait. You’ve written another great chapter of one of my favorite fic’s. Patrick may be boring, but he’s not dumb. He could see this coming, and after what happened at the club, he knows it’s time to move on. Still, sad for him…Spencer’s a pretty special girl. But..yeah for Spashley! Can’t wait to read your next installment and see how things go with Ash and Aiden. PMS!!!

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