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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.2: Readers, Meet Patrick)

    One leg, then another, then finally a torso and a head gradually emerged from the closet smothered by sweaters, boots, batteries, hats, one very awkwardly positioned camping chair and a hiking backpack that dwarfed even Patrick’s large stature. He half-stumbled, half-waddled toward the bed and with one swift movement dumped his entire load right on Spencer’s previously empty suitcase.

    Needless to say, this did not help her mood.

    As Spencer slowly breathed in and out, trying to remember some techniques from that yoga class she went to for 3 weeks last summer and then got bored with, Patrick shook a sweater that somehow wrangled itself around his neck onto the bed and turned to look at his girlfriend. He, although sometimes lacking in common sense, was an intelligent guy and it didn’t take much for him to realize the blonde he idolized was upset.

    “Hey,” he said, putting his hands on Spencer’s forearms and rubbing up and down, “You okay babe?”

    Spencer took one giant breath in for support, looked up, and there he was as always. Strong, kind, and loving. She felt her anger begin to melt away and decided to spare Patrick, for today at least.

    “Yeah,” she replied with a glance up and a slight smile, “Sorry. Just kind of stressed with taking off of work and getting somebody to watch Sal and all. He’s never been left alone before, you know?”

    “Well, I can’t really help with the work thing, but would it make you feel any better to take Sal with us? I mean, hell, there’ll be lots of space for him to run around and it would save us having to worry about whether he chewed through the corner of the sofa,” Patrick said with a sloppy sideways grin.

    This. Who couldn’t love this guy? Who, in their right mind, couldn’t love this guy? It’s not as if Spencer didn’t try. She tried. Shit, did she try. For a good eight months all she was focusing on was turning her feelings of friendship into something more. It exhausted her, took everything she had, and still nothing. That’s when she stopped. She had resolved to try until she felt something, anything, but there was a point where heartfelt dedication becomes almost foolish. That’s one thing she learned working for the finance firm. Cut your losses. Keep with an investment, even in the bad times, until you know that it won’t be turning around. So that’s what she did. And damnit, it sucked the life right out of her.

    Spencer’s eyes lit up just slightly at the mention of Sal joining them, and Patrick knew he had said the right thing.

    “That sounds great. Sorry I’m being such a grump. I think once I get packed and we get going I’ll feel better.”

    She threw him a bone. He caught it, savoring it for everything that it was worth.

    “Great! Oh, that means we’ll have to pack his water and food bowls too. Where’s his good leash? The blue one with the strap on it? You don’t think we have to worry about bears or anything with him, right? Have you seen the pooper sco…”

    Damn. This was going to be a long trip.

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    1. i saw this and i had to go back to read the first chapter. i like the way you write in third person but you’re able to get into Spencer’s head. You are a really good writer.PMS

    2. hahaha wow…patrick is just a BIT eager. he does sound like a sweetheart though!! keep posting. this story sounds like its gonna take some interesting turns. and its all gonna lead back to spencer on the swing…ohhh whats gonna happennn?! i think i have an idea…

    3. Dude. Seriously? I love this fic so much, I’m commenting here, too. I’m pretty much solely on the other board these days, but when I saw this here, I had to add another round of kudos. LOVE IT!!!

    4. i saw this and i had to go back to read the first chapter. i like the way you write in third person but you’re able to get into Spencer’s head. You are a really good writer.PMS

    5. hahaha wow…patrick is just a BIT eager. he does sound like a sweetheart though!! keep posting. this story sounds like its gonna take some interesting turns. and its all gonna lead back to spencer on the swing…ohhh whats gonna happennn?! i think i have an idea…

    6. Dude. Seriously? I love this fic so much, I’m commenting here, too. I’m pretty much solely on the other board these days, but when I saw this here, I had to add another round of kudos. LOVE IT!!!

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