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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.3: Spencer, Meet the Cabin)

    Driving with one hand on the wheel and using one hand to emphasize, Patrick had been excitedly rambling on for twenty minutes now, something about this new drug just approved by the FDA that would “revolutionize pediactrics,” but Spencer only managed to get through the first minute or two before spacing out. As long as she let a “Oh, wow” or “Uh huh” escape from her lips during the seconds when Patrick actually let himself take a breath, she was off the hook.

    Her forehead was glued to the window and every time they hit some sort of bump it briefly left its home, feeling naked and exposed until it fell back to its previous position, comforted and content. She tried to admire at the trees as they passed, but she couldn’t. She wanted to give each one of them a good look, acknowledging their individuality, the curves of their knots, the roughness of their bark, the soft slippery feeling of the leaves between her fingers, but it was all a blur. They seemed like one tree, repeating on some sort of never ending cycle, but she knew that it was just an optical illusion. At least she hoped it was.

    Spencer suddenly became very aware that the deep voice that had filled the car for the last hour was no longer present and she glanced to her left. Seeing the movement, he looked over at her and asked “You okay?”

    Seriously. If he asks that one more time…

    “Yep. Just thinking.”

    “Bout what?”

    “Mmm,” she pursed her lips together, “nothing important.”

    Silence for another minute. Spencer never noticed until now that Patrick’s voice was soothing as a background noise, kind of like elevator music, and now the car felt empty. She was relieved when he started talking again, and even more relieved that it wasn’t about some medicine that she couldn’t even pronounce.

    “Hey, I really think you’re going to like Aiden. He’s the only one of the guys from our group in college that was worth keeping in contact with. We’ve always been close, I think because we’re actually pretty similar.”

    Oh, goody. Two of them.

    Stop that, be nice.

    “I know you’re not particularily thrilled about him and his girlfriend joining us, but it is his place. What was I supposed to say? It’s not like we’re going to be with them all the time, we’ll be on completely different sides of the cabin. We’ll still have plenty of alone time, don’t worry.”

    Yes, Patrick. I’m so glad for that assurance. I was just beside myself with distress.

    Be. Nice.

    “I know, and I’m not upset. Promise.” Then she looked at him with those blues that he never tired of looking at, gave him her patented Spencer smile and head tilt, grabbed his free hand, intertwining his fingers within hers, and turned back towards the window.

    To Patrick, all was right in the world again.

    Spencer had noticed her frustration with Patrick growing over the past few months. His childlike attitude and eagerness to please used to roll right off her, but now she was finding it was creeping its way under her skin, the irritation easier to ignite and longer to stay. For the first time since they started dating, she was considering breaking it off, but she decided to give herself some time to think about it. Who knew? Maybe this trip was just what she needed to regain her patience with him.

    However, as Patrick’s long fingers turned the volume dial as far to the right as possible and he began belting out Sweet Home Alabama, complete with an improvised guitar solo, she sincerely doubted it.

    As the SUV slowed through a tunnel of trees and crunched over gravel, bouncing Spencer’s head softly but repeatedly against the glass, she could tell they had reached their destination. Even with her mood the way it was, she couldn’t help but smile in awe at the cabin in front of her. The wood which formed the house was older, one could easily tell, but it was just as majestic and strong as the day it was placed there. Spencer, having a soft spot for all things flawed and imperfect, immediately fell in love. Drawing her eyes away from the cabin, she noticed another car already in the driveway.

    Put on a happy face.

    Here we go.


    1. Dislike the pre-Ashley chapters? I scoff at that thought! Scoff Scoff Scoff!! They were fabulous as all of this fic is. Okay, so Patrick’s kind of annoying me now, too, so I feel less bad for him. And I totally don’t feel bad for Aiden for when the inevitable happens. Call me heartless, but Aiden is inevitabley a douche bag. So, let’s bring on the Spaction!!

    2. Dislike the pre-Ashley chapters? I scoff at that thought! Scoff Scoff Scoff!! They were fabulous as all of this fic is. Okay, so Patrick’s kind of annoying me now, too, so I feel less bad for him. And I totally don’t feel bad for Aiden for when the inevitable happens. Call me heartless, but Aiden is inevitabley a douche bag. So, let’s bring on the Spaction!!

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