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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.5: Spencer, Meet Walt Whitman)

    Inhaling deeply, Spencer let the hypnotizing scent of lavender invade her body, taking over her entire being. It’s amazing how invigorating something as simple as a bubble bath could be. I mean, in theory, the idea of a bath could seem almost disgusting to some: sitting in your own filth for hours upon end; but in practice, laying there, the water not quite hot enough to burn you, but just enough to make you feel like you’re scorching yourself clean of every bit of evil that had managed to infiltrate your body, it’s cathartic.  Hell, who needs confession when you have baths?

    Taking one slow, deep breath, she let herself sink slowly into the water until she was completely submerged, save her traitorous blonde hair grasping at the surface. This was a little game she played with herself, to see how long she could stay underneath before she needed air. There was no prize, no trophy, no competitor but herself, but for the time she was underwater, eyes closed, worlds apart from everything else, she was dangerous. She was invincible and brave and strong and for once in her life, she felt alive. The more she heard her body begging her for air, for a release from this prison she encaged it in, the more empowered she became.

    However, as Spencer’s ears picked up a faint sound, she realized that someone was breaking the rules of this game. This was her time, her challenge, and some unwanted visitor was infringing on that. Still submerged under water, she slowly allowed her eyes to open and – SHIT!

    She practically flew out of the water, coughing and attempting to catch her breath while Patrick stood over her, confused and worried.

    “Babe? Are you okay?”

    “Am – cough – I – heave – okay?” she managed to get out.

    Spencer felt that irritation she had become so familiar with over the past few months finding its way into her, and this time, she knew that not even Patrick’s puppy dog eyes could save him. I mean, seriously? Who the hell gets their face 2 fucking inches away from a person who has their eyes closed, especially in a damn bathtub, waiting for them to notice?

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    1. and so the flirtatious banter begins. good stuff! Hey Cardinal! I look forward to reading more of this whenever it is you plan to post next – I’m enjoying it muchly. Will be interesting to see how their relationship blossoms when they’re both apparently straight and in the company of the respective partners. I see fun times ahead! more please! Jx

    2. and so the flirtatious banter begins. good stuff! Hey Cardinal! I look forward to reading more of this whenever it is you plan to post next – I’m enjoying it muchly. Will be interesting to see how their relationship blossoms when they’re both apparently straight and in the company of the respective partners. I see fun times ahead! more please! Jx

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