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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.8: Spencer, Meet the Amish)

    Ch. 8: Spencer, Meet the Amish

    After an incredibly awkward ride home, the four went their separate ways: Patrick to his room, Aiden to his, Ashley was laying down out back on a lawn chair icing her ankle and Spencer was sitting on the couch – their couch – half hoping the brunette would join her and half hoping she would never have to see her again. Once in a while the guys seemed to get it right, and this was one of those rare moments. Both of the girls assumed that their partners would be hounding them with questions, especially with Ashley’s ankle the way it was, but the males seemed to know that right now the girls just needed their space.

    Spencer’s mind was reeling and she couldn’t for the life of her figure out how to slow it down. All of these thoughts about Ashley, Patrick, Aiden, and those brown eyes she so desperately wanted to lose herself in again were racing through her head and as much as she tried to exercise her always useful, step-by-step thought process, her mind wouldn’t let up for a moment, even to gather her thoughts. The blonde was leaning back into the couch, legs crossed underneath herself and eyes closed, hoping that the enormity of the seat would engulf her and save her from ever having to confront whatever feelings she had for Ashley. And she did have feelings. That she did finally admit to herself. For Spencer, that was a big step. A huge step. Gigantic even. I mean, we’re talking Neil Armstrong pushing the flag into the ground big.

    This admittance didn’t help her any though, because damn, did this situation still have problems. Number one, Ashley had a boyfriend. Spencer never questioned the brunettes love for Aiden until she saw the way those chocolate eyes burned into her yesterday. She never looked at him like that. Number two, Spencer had a boyfriend. Albeit, an overly affectionate, annoying, clingy boyfriend who she didn’t love, but a boyfriend nonetheless. Number three, Ashley lived a good four hours away. Patrick had mentioned that the couple had moved to Manhattan a few months ago, while Spencer and him resided in DC. Number four, Ashley was a girl. Well, this wasn’t really a problem for Spencer as much as it was a…surprise. An unexpected surprise.

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    1. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

    2. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

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