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    To Grow With Love – (Chapter: 3)

    To Grow With Love

    Chapter 3

    Back in San Francisco (Spencer’s Home Town)

    Standing in front of a painting of a sun slightly covered by clouds near the peak of a mountain and 3 little yellow hand prints lined in a circular formation, Arthur reminisced a memory of the past.


    "Why’d you put hand prints on the painting?" Arthur asked the 7- year old Spencer.

    "Because if some one understood it, we would be great together."

    "Really? If there is this person than… you would marry them?"


    "She really wants to find that soul mate of hers doesn’t she!"

    (returning to NY)

    Ashley was in the showroom of the D-day headquarters working on a wedding dress she had personally designed. Finishing, she walked back looking over at the beautiful wedding dress and smiled, proud of the beautiful work.

    The next morning Ashley walked out of a Starbucks with her coffee and started heading back towards D-Day. On her way there, she accidentally tripped over a paint lid, causing her to quickly reach for the wall beside her in an attempt to keep balance. Pulling her had back, she saw that she had left a yellow hand print from the still wet wall. Looking at the wall, she sees a sun slightly hid behind some clouds over the peak of a mountain. She walks off back to the office.

    "Good Morning, Everyone!" Ashley said as she walked in.

    "Ashley! Your back!" Her older brother Troy called out.

    "What’s up!" she said walking back towards him.

    "Oh, I just got this really cool plant thing. It’s supposed to, like, bloom soon!" He said, looking at the plant, "Well, things like these can’t be rushed. Come on its time for the meeting."

    "This fabric here is a little bit more expensive, but much more comfortable. I think it would be good for the new line!" Ashley said, "Has the new fabric come in yet?"

    "I told someone to bring them up, let me go check on it… Oh he’s here."

    A fat chubby and sweaty Aiden Dennison walks in chewing loudly and rudely on something."Hey! Ashley!" he yelled, even thought she is only 5 feet away. He looked around at everyone staring at him. "Oh! Sorry, I’m just used to doing that… Sorry."

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