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    Toaster Operating Manual

    “Ha!” Spencer says exultantly, “See, there IS no pushy down thingy.”

    “How can you have a toaster without a pushy down thingy?” Ashley frowns, turning it over in her hands. The metal box has nicely curved edges. “Or slots?”

    “Where does the toast go?” Spencer frowns too. She crosses her legs and leans back on Ashley, reveling in the way that the other girl brought her arms around in front of her automatically. They both watch the so called ‘toaster’ warily.

    “I have no idea…” Ashley says.

    It was rectangular in shape, but its chrome surface had nice curves at the corners, basically it was a toaster shape. There was the dial, with its little numbers one to six. The bottom was clearly the bottom, because it had four little legs on it… but nowhere to put the toast. The sides had neat little grooves running around the edges, like sweet patterning, but… nowhere to put the bread. Hmm.

    “It’s a hovercraft” Spencer declares.

    “Babe it’s a toaster, it says so on the box.”

    “How can you have a toaster you can’t put bread in?” Spencer grumbles. “I think Aiden was just trying to piss us off.”

    “Maybe he doesn’t like toast” Ashley muses.

    Spencer puts the toaster on the ground and picks up the box. Shaking it she grumbles again. “There’s no manual.”

    “It’s a TOASTER. They don’t come with manuals.”

    “Yeah well they should.” It’s adorable when Spencer pouts. At least Ashley thinks so. Wrapping her arms around the blonde’s waist she nuzzles her ear.

    “Babe, don’t let the hovercraft get to you… if you want a manual that bad, write one.”

    Spencer closes her eyes, loving the feel of Ashley’s breath against the sensitive skin of her ear. “Oh…” she gasps… “What would it say.”

    “Hmm…” the vibrations of Ashley’s mouth send shivers down Spencer’s spine and make the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck stand on end. “You could start with, Step One: Open box.”

    “Uh huh” Spencer swallows, Ashley’s hands have moved sideways now, trailing across her stomach and coming to rest on Spencer’s hips. They move slowly upward, lifting her shirt, and then trail back down to find the skin at Spencer’s sides, sensitive and warm. The feel of Ashley’s hands there makes the blonde quiver. “Except the manual is … uh… oh… in … the box.” She manages to get out between gasps. She knows Ashley won’t have to stop this time, and she’s glad. She wants this more than she can say.


    1. Haha i totally loved that! Who’d have thought a joke about a toaster could turn into the start of an amazing new fic! Can’t wait to see where this goes!

    2. HA! i laughed so hard when i saw the title to this; i thought ‘she did it! she actually wrote it!’ not that i wasn’t happy or anything! extremely happy, delighted in fact… twas mouthwatering in deed. now i’m off to read your 28 days…

    3. goddammit clomle44! I’ve finally broken down and thus leaving a comment for you. (Yes I will review more from now on)I have a dilemma now. I used to love toast. It makes bread that much more amazing. But now I don’t think I’ll be able to ever use a toaster again without thinking of this story. GAH. STORY IS SO GOOD.Please write more (amazingly good) stories!

    4. Haha i totally loved that! Who’d have thought a joke about a toaster could turn into the start of an amazing new fic! Can’t wait to see where this goes!

    5. HA! i laughed so hard when i saw the title to this; i thought ‘she did it! she actually wrote it!’ not that i wasn’t happy or anything! extremely happy, delighted in fact… twas mouthwatering in deed. now i’m off to read your 28 days…

    6. goddammit clomle44! I’ve finally broken down and thus leaving a comment for you. (Yes I will review more from now on)I have a dilemma now. I used to love toast. It makes bread that much more amazing. But now I don’t think I’ll be able to ever use a toaster again without thinking of this story. GAH. STORY IS SO GOOD.Please write more (amazingly good) stories!

    7. WooWooWooWooWoo! That was hot, Clome. You make me want a toaster for fun and my own personal Mr. Ruffles for comfort. You could make me crave anything that has to do with your stories. Thank you for the update. PMS

    8. WooWooWooWooWoo! That was hot, Clome. You make me want a toaster for fun and my own personal Mr. Ruffles for comfort. You could make me crave anything that has to do with your stories. Thank you for the update. PMS

    9. Hahaha, that was great! I agree with bat7130, we need more toasters like that….and more items that need that approach in order to work. lol, well that was definately a great piece of work. Thanks!!!

    10. Hahaha, that was great! I agree with bat7130, we need more toasters like that….and more items that need that approach in order to work. lol, well that was definately a great piece of work. Thanks!!!

    11. Okay, so I caved and read it at work, goddammit. And it was so worth it. Hey, at least I managed to wait until you went to sleep. Now I don’t feel as guilty. Okay, so I looooooved it all – the lines about Spencer being noisy, Ashley needing her brains fucked out, all of it was awesome. But I have to say the line “By the time her fingers hit damn curls it’s too late anyway…” made me giggle hysterically. Damn curls? Okay, I know you meant damn curls, but I couldn’t help thinking “Damn curls! Bitch, you were supposed to shave!” I know I know. I’m weird. :D So, um, write a manual on putting together a bookcase or tri-tiered entertainment center. THAT’D be a long one….

    12. Okay, so I caved and read it at work, goddammit. And it was so worth it. Hey, at least I managed to wait until you went to sleep. Now I don’t feel as guilty. Okay, so I looooooved it all – the lines about Spencer being noisy, Ashley needing her brains fucked out, all of it was awesome. But I have to say the line “By the time her fingers hit damn curls it’s too late anyway…” made me giggle hysterically. Damn curls? Okay, I know you meant damn curls, but I couldn’t help thinking “Damn curls! Bitch, you were supposed to shave!” I know I know. I’m weird. :D So, um, write a manual on putting together a bookcase or tri-tiered entertainment center. THAT’D be a long one….

    13. HAHAHAStep one:open box, step two:take toaster out of box, step three: hot passionate sex with your girlfriend, step four:make your girlfriend come so hard she knocks the toaster open, step five: forget the toaster and applaud AT for being fuckin brilliant. *claps* I loved it. and idk if i have said it, but i will most definetly read ANYTHING you write. *bows to the great AT* *hugs* ok now i must jet, but such a sweet parting gift that was. :]:]:]

    14. HAHAHAStep one:open box, step two:take toaster out of box, step three: hot passionate sex with your girlfriend, step four:make your girlfriend come so hard she knocks the toaster open, step five: forget the toaster and applaud AT for being fuckin brilliant. *claps* I loved it. and idk if i have said it, but i will most definetly read ANYTHING you write. *bows to the great AT* *hugs* ok now i must jet, but such a sweet parting gift that was. :]:]:]

    15. hahahahahahahahahahaha oh. my. dear. GOD! that was hilarious and HOT all at the same time! hahahahahaha omg. you are a GODDESS! without a doubt. you win the pulitzer for fanfics. i declare it! all i can say is i will never look at a toaster the same again. HELLOOOO TOAST! omg. you should do others like this. i dunno how. but. you could so pull it off.

    16. hahahahahahahahahahaha oh. my. dear. GOD! that was hilarious and HOT all at the same time! hahahahahaha omg. you are a GODDESS! without a doubt. you win the pulitzer for fanfics. i declare it! all i can say is i will never look at a toaster the same again. HELLOOOO TOAST! omg. you should do others like this. i dunno how. but. you could so pull it off.

    17. LMAO… how come when i moved in with my girl, the toaster just got sat on the bench… lol My breakfast time will never be the same…considering i almost always eat toast… now ill be making it, and thinking of hot sex at the same time HAHA…Well done :)

    18. LMAO… how come when i moved in with my girl, the toaster just got sat on the bench… lol My breakfast time will never be the same…considering i almost always eat toast… now ill be making it, and thinking of hot sex at the same time HAHA…Well done :)

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