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    Toaster Operating Manual

    Then she collapses and Ashley comes up to collapse too. It’s so good, this post coital bliss they have together.

    “Fuck” Spencer whispers, and Ashley giggles.

    “That good eh?”

    It earns her a playful slap on her arm but Spencer still rolls over, pushing their damp, warm bodies together. She nuzzles her face into the crook of Ashley’s neck and winds her spare arm around the brunettes waist.

    “I bet Aiden didn’t think his toaster would cause that kind of reaction.” Ashley grins, stroking Spencer’s hair.

    “Remind me to thank him” Spencer mumbles into her girlfriends neck.

    “You don’t have better things to do right now?” Ashley pouts.

    Spencer pulls her head out to look down at her girlfriend. She raises one eyebrow and cocks her head to the side in a gesture that is 100% Spencer. “Like what” she says, archly.

    It makes Ashley groan and tip her head back. “Tease” she grumbles.

    Then she feels Spencer’s tongue on her breast bone, tracing a line down towards her naval. “Huh” the blonde says between trails.

    “Nothing” Ashley gasps. And then Spencer is making love to her. It’s so good, it always is. She learned quick and fast what made Ashley hotter than hot, and Spencer never fails to deliver on the heat. She’s all over the brunette, mouth wet and thorough on first one nipple, and then the other. “Spencer, don’t tease” Ashley begs. Watching her girlfriend come always makes her more ready than ready. She wants her inside, she wants to be taken. Spencer isn’t as obliging today as she is sometimes.

    “Not teasing” the blonde mumbles as her mouth moves across taut abs and her fingernails scratch up Ashley’s thighs. “Takin’ my time.”

    “Jesus” Ashley swears, her head falling back and an arm covering her eyes. Spencer’s ministrations are so close to driving her crazy she winds her fingers through the tresses on her girlfriends head. If she lets both hands go down there she’ll guide Spencer too hard and she doesn’t want to pull her hair.

    Besides, Spencer’s mouth is now moving heatedly up her inner thigh. Ashley opens her legs cooperatively, earning herself a groan from her girlfriend. “God I love it when you spread your legs for me” Spencer whispers. It’s pretty dirty to come out of Spencer’s mouth and it makes Ashley arch her hips in response.

    And then Spencer is there, hands, fingers and tongue driving the brunette crazy. Where Spencer is noisy, Ashley is frantic with her body, twisting and begging physically. She knows she’ll have carpet burns tomorrow but she doesn’t care, she’s going out of her mind. And all the way, Spencer is there, thrusting, first gently and then, by the end, harder and harder. Ashley begs for it, she wants to be taken. Some days she loves to be made love to softly but other days, like today, she just wants to have her brains fucked out. Thank god Spencer can read her like a book. And as her girlfriend slams into her one last time, curling her fingers up, Ashley screams, letting the sensations run from the end of Spencer’s tongue onto her clitoris and right through her body. She kicks out, her left foot making contact with the small, shiny object that began the whole session in the first place.

    As Ashley climaxes hard, the toaster ricochets off the coffee table leg. And the girls collapse, in a sweaty tangle of arms and legs.

    It takes them minutes, possibly longer to finally move.

    “It’s official” Spencer murmurs. “I love living together.”

    Ashley chuckles. “Me too.”

    A long leisurely shower follows, after the towels are dug out of a box. Ashley is drying her curls, dressed in a robe, when she finds Spencer sitting on the couch.

    “Look” the blonde turns to show her the toaster, which is no longer a box. The sides have flipped down, revealing two small toast racks. “It opened.”

    “How?” Ashley says, sitting on the couch and poking the shiny rectangle suspiciously.

    “Uh, I think you knocked it against the table when we…” Spencer trails off. She presses the sides back up, and then realizes that they’re spring loaded. She spends some time opening and closing them. “Hey, we made the toaster work!”

    “We can add that to the manual” Ashley grins wickedly. “Step Four: make your girlfriend come so hard she knocks the toaster open.”

    It earns her another jab in the ribs, but she doesn’t mind.


    1. Haha i totally loved that! Who’d have thought a joke about a toaster could turn into the start of an amazing new fic! Can’t wait to see where this goes!

    2. HA! i laughed so hard when i saw the title to this; i thought ‘she did it! she actually wrote it!’ not that i wasn’t happy or anything! extremely happy, delighted in fact… twas mouthwatering in deed. now i’m off to read your 28 days…

    3. goddammit clomle44! I’ve finally broken down and thus leaving a comment for you. (Yes I will review more from now on)I have a dilemma now. I used to love toast. It makes bread that much more amazing. But now I don’t think I’ll be able to ever use a toaster again without thinking of this story. GAH. STORY IS SO GOOD.Please write more (amazingly good) stories!

    4. Haha i totally loved that! Who’d have thought a joke about a toaster could turn into the start of an amazing new fic! Can’t wait to see where this goes!

    5. HA! i laughed so hard when i saw the title to this; i thought ‘she did it! she actually wrote it!’ not that i wasn’t happy or anything! extremely happy, delighted in fact… twas mouthwatering in deed. now i’m off to read your 28 days…

    6. goddammit clomle44! I’ve finally broken down and thus leaving a comment for you. (Yes I will review more from now on)I have a dilemma now. I used to love toast. It makes bread that much more amazing. But now I don’t think I’ll be able to ever use a toaster again without thinking of this story. GAH. STORY IS SO GOOD.Please write more (amazingly good) stories!

    7. WooWooWooWooWoo! That was hot, Clome. You make me want a toaster for fun and my own personal Mr. Ruffles for comfort. You could make me crave anything that has to do with your stories. Thank you for the update. PMS

    8. WooWooWooWooWoo! That was hot, Clome. You make me want a toaster for fun and my own personal Mr. Ruffles for comfort. You could make me crave anything that has to do with your stories. Thank you for the update. PMS

    9. Hahaha, that was great! I agree with bat7130, we need more toasters like that….and more items that need that approach in order to work. lol, well that was definately a great piece of work. Thanks!!!

    10. Hahaha, that was great! I agree with bat7130, we need more toasters like that….and more items that need that approach in order to work. lol, well that was definately a great piece of work. Thanks!!!

    11. Okay, so I caved and read it at work, goddammit. And it was so worth it. Hey, at least I managed to wait until you went to sleep. Now I don’t feel as guilty. Okay, so I looooooved it all – the lines about Spencer being noisy, Ashley needing her brains fucked out, all of it was awesome. But I have to say the line “By the time her fingers hit damn curls it’s too late anyway…” made me giggle hysterically. Damn curls? Okay, I know you meant damn curls, but I couldn’t help thinking “Damn curls! Bitch, you were supposed to shave!” I know I know. I’m weird. :D So, um, write a manual on putting together a bookcase or tri-tiered entertainment center. THAT’D be a long one….

    12. Okay, so I caved and read it at work, goddammit. And it was so worth it. Hey, at least I managed to wait until you went to sleep. Now I don’t feel as guilty. Okay, so I looooooved it all – the lines about Spencer being noisy, Ashley needing her brains fucked out, all of it was awesome. But I have to say the line “By the time her fingers hit damn curls it’s too late anyway…” made me giggle hysterically. Damn curls? Okay, I know you meant damn curls, but I couldn’t help thinking “Damn curls! Bitch, you were supposed to shave!” I know I know. I’m weird. :D So, um, write a manual on putting together a bookcase or tri-tiered entertainment center. THAT’D be a long one….

    13. HAHAHAStep one:open box, step two:take toaster out of box, step three: hot passionate sex with your girlfriend, step four:make your girlfriend come so hard she knocks the toaster open, step five: forget the toaster and applaud AT for being fuckin brilliant. *claps* I loved it. and idk if i have said it, but i will most definetly read ANYTHING you write. *bows to the great AT* *hugs* ok now i must jet, but such a sweet parting gift that was. :]:]:]

    14. HAHAHAStep one:open box, step two:take toaster out of box, step three: hot passionate sex with your girlfriend, step four:make your girlfriend come so hard she knocks the toaster open, step five: forget the toaster and applaud AT for being fuckin brilliant. *claps* I loved it. and idk if i have said it, but i will most definetly read ANYTHING you write. *bows to the great AT* *hugs* ok now i must jet, but such a sweet parting gift that was. :]:]:]

    15. hahahahahahahahahahaha oh. my. dear. GOD! that was hilarious and HOT all at the same time! hahahahahaha omg. you are a GODDESS! without a doubt. you win the pulitzer for fanfics. i declare it! all i can say is i will never look at a toaster the same again. HELLOOOO TOAST! omg. you should do others like this. i dunno how. but. you could so pull it off.

    16. hahahahahahahahahahaha oh. my. dear. GOD! that was hilarious and HOT all at the same time! hahahahahaha omg. you are a GODDESS! without a doubt. you win the pulitzer for fanfics. i declare it! all i can say is i will never look at a toaster the same again. HELLOOOO TOAST! omg. you should do others like this. i dunno how. but. you could so pull it off.

    17. LMAO… how come when i moved in with my girl, the toaster just got sat on the bench… lol My breakfast time will never be the same…considering i almost always eat toast… now ill be making it, and thinking of hot sex at the same time HAHA…Well done :)

    18. LMAO… how come when i moved in with my girl, the toaster just got sat on the bench… lol My breakfast time will never be the same…considering i almost always eat toast… now ill be making it, and thinking of hot sex at the same time HAHA…Well done :)

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