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    Tombstone – (Chapter: I know it’s been a while [Chapter 1])

    God, I can’t believe your dead, I miss you so much, I wish they would’ve shot Glen instead of you, I know it’s wrong to think but, now Chelsea is left without you the baby has no father, I’m left without my favorite brother, I mean I love Glen and all but you were always my favorite. Sure they say blood is thicker than water but fuck that, I loved you so much

    I know you’re looking down at us and taking care of each and every one of us, especially Chelsea and her baby. God 7 months pregnant, and she is definitely showing, If I knew any better I would think she s having twins. Maybe she is, maybe you left us two reminders of you instead of one

    So I guess you want me to catch you up on things that have been happening lately since that night, the night everyone lost something. Something important to them. First of all sorry, I know I haven’t visited you since you were in the hospital. I know but I hated the fact that you weren’t home anymore.

    It’s been 6 months, I know a long time but hey better late than never right bro. Well lets start with Chelsea I guess, she’s fine, 7 months like I said, and Sean is taking care of her. She is living in your old room, but she usually sleeps in my room with me. She can’t take being in your room that much, but she’s getting used to it more and more. And Cecily is helping her too, everyone is helping her, mom is unusually helpful, making sure everything is ok with her and stuff.

    Sean like I said is helping Chelsea, after all he says you two were like brothers. He is working part-time at Gray’s. He is a DJ and a very good one at that. His cousin Boz is in jail, still doing time for what he did to those Northridge fools that did this to you. Everyone was involved in it. But Boz took all the blame. And when I say everyone I mean like everyone.

    Me, Dad, Mom, Glen, Sean, Ashley, Kyle, Aiden, and some underground crew that apparently you were part of. I never knew but since you did chill with Sean and Boz a lot I should’ve assumed you were part of some click. A lot of people were at the funeral, well I was told, everyone from the crew, I heard about 50 people. Just of your crew and about 25 family and friends.

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