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    Tombstone – (Chapter: The Diary [Chapter 3])

    “Umm… Hey Bro”
    “Yes I still feel awkward talking to you like this, well I actually brought you something today.” I smile, but I know it’s fake, anyone could tell, god why did you take him, he was the good brother, maybe not by blood, but he was my other rock, my back-up rock.

    “Here it is” I place my diary on the patch of dirt in front of the tombstone.

    “It’s my diary, as you can tell, well I started this one after you died. And well, it’s filled up, I wrote down everything I did that day that reminded me of you, and well most of what I did everyday reminded me somehow of you. Everything that I did in memory of you and stuff. And well I stopped writing in it the day I visited you, like 3 days ago. For two reasons, umm, one because there was only one blank page left and because I wanted to start a new one right after seeing you, so I brought it too so u can see what I write about my visits when I come here.”

    “Well anyway, the old one had a blank page but if you look at the last page.” I open the diary to the last page and it says

    To Clay

    the bestest big brother ever

    with a big heart around it. I giggle a bit, which is a lot to say since I haven’t even smiled in a while now. I look around to make sure no one is around then I just lay on the patch of dirt and just hug the earth. And I can feel Clay there, just hugging me back, I can feel the warmness from him and it feels so good.

    “Well in the new diary I write about is what I talk to you about, like yesterday as soon as she took me home I wrote what we talked about and I have it right here the last thing we talked about is Ashley about to explode in the hospital when I told her I couldn’t just sit back and watch her give Aiden another chance.”

    “See I have it written down”

    Then what the fuck did you mean” She screamed. I saw her at her most vulnerable, her walls were completely down but not because she was going to let me in, but because she was going to go all out, she was going to let out everything, and then just close up again, like a volcano she was about to explode, and then we were interrupted by my love. She honked the horn and I promised Clay I would finish telling him the story tomorrow.

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