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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 10)

    ‘Why didn’t you tell me you told Shannon.’


    ‘Well you said not to tell Ashley so I didn’t. I told Shannon before you came over here.’ Kim said talking into the phone.


    ‘Ugh this is so messed up!’


    ‘Your messed up. Seriously.’


    ‘Shut up.’


    ‘Damn Ms. PMS!’


    ‘Sorry it was just-ugh. I didn’t want to break up with Shannon this way.’


    ‘Well you did. It’s not my fault. Mainly yours.’


    ‘Yeah I know. But you didn’t have to go tell everybody my love life!’


    ‘You didn’t have to cheat on my best friend.’ She said back harshly.


    ‘Touché’ I said defeated.


    ‘Well at least you still she have Ashley.’ She replied glumly.


    ‘Yeah I’m lucky to still have her.’


    ‘Yeah she’s lucky to have you.’


    ‘What does that mean?’


    ‘Nothing. Look spencer I gotta go.’


    ‘Okay. Talk to you later?’


    ‘Yeah. Bye.’




    Whew okay that was settled. I have Ashley…and that’s all. Very good. Very good. What to do what to do. It’s a Saturday and I have nothing to do. Just perfect. I’ll call Ashley.




    ‘Hey. Spencer.’


    ‘What are you doing?’


    ‘You know…talking to this girl Spencer. She’s so perfect but she’s such a goody goody.’


    ‘Oh, wow. Spencer? She sounds like she sucks.’


    ‘Yeah she does.’ She said trying not to laugh.


    ‘Wanna go out?’


    ‘Your asking me out?’




    ‘Oh, I like I like.’ Ashley purred.


    ‘Oh god. That is just too hot.’


    ‘Yeah I know. Aren’t i?’


    ‘Yeah you are.’ I said and I couldn’t help but blush.


    ‘Your hotter.’ She said in response.


    ‘Yeah right.’


    ‘You so are. Guess what.’




    ‘I was going to ask my girlfriend out to dinner. Would you think she would come?’ She said cautiously.


    ‘Yeah she would love too.’


    ‘Perfect! I’ll pick you up at 7.’


    ‘Okay. I’ll see you then. Bye, Ash.’


    ‘Bye, my love.’ She said happily and hung up.


    Sigh. She’s perfect.


    ‘Spencer!’ my dad called out from downstairs. ‘Lunch time!’


    ‘Okay I’ll be down in a second!’ I said trying to fix my bed. When I finished I headed downstairs to see my dad and two brothers at the counter eating hamburgers.

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    1. Yeah why did her mom kick her out? I don’t trust Kim at all and I don’t think Spencer should. I have a bad feeling about her leaving things on a bad note with Shannon, too. Spencer has pissed off one too many people that know Ashley. I don’t think Ashley knows now, but I think she’s going to find out the wrong way. Way to go Spencer! Some player you are! As least she’s being supportive of Ashley, though. PMS

    2. Yeah why did her mom kick her out? I don’t trust Kim at all and I don’t think Spencer should. I have a bad feeling about her leaving things on a bad note with Shannon, too. Spencer has pissed off one too many people that know Ashley. I don’t think Ashley knows now, but I think she’s going to find out the wrong way. Way to go Spencer! Some player you are! As least she’s being supportive of Ashley, though. PMS

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