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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 11)

    I woke up to the sound of silence. It seemed to quiet. I suppose it was still late so I went back to sleep. I turned over to my side and felt the space next to me. Empty. I moved my arm around feeling around for Ashley.


    ‘Ashley? Ashley.’


    No Response.


    I sat up quickly and looked around my room.




    No Response.


    I supposed to she had to pee so I went walked out of the room and across the hall to the bathroom. I say that the light was on so I lightly knocked.




    I heard a small cough but no words were spoken.






    ‘Ashley is that you?’ I said knocking a little harder.


    I heard a faint sigh and small cry. I pressed my ear against the door to hear what was going on on the other side of the door. I could hear faint crying and a quiet murmur or words.


    ‘Ashley…Open the door right now!’ I whispered harshly.




    I removed my ear from the door shocked from the sound of her voice. The pain in her voice when she said no.


    ‘Ashley…please please open this door.’




    ‘Ashley!’ I said banging on the door.




    ‘Ashley open it now!’ I said jigging the doorknob.




    I knew there was a key to the bathroom somewhere. I just forgot where. I turned on the hallway light. I spotted a key on the bookshelf and quickly grabbed it and ran over to the door. I jabbed the key into the lock and unlocked the door and busted it open. I saw Ashley in the corner next to the shower with her hair covering her face. I saw her sleeve pulled up and a blade in her other hand. My mouth opened as I slowly dropped the key. The key hit the floor with a big noise. I closed the door and slowly walked over to her and sat next to her. She was shaking as she began to cry.


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