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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 15)

    It’s been two days since that dramatic hospital scene and Ashley hasn’t called once. Did we break up? What is she thinking right now? What do we call each other now? A couple…single…friends with benefits? So many questions I thought about and not one answer. I laid down on my bed and turned on my ipod.


    Say that you stay a little
    Don't say bye bye tonight
    Say you'll be mine
    Just a little of bit of love is worth a moment of your time
    Knocking on your door just a little
    So cold outside tonight
    Let’s get the fire burning
    I know, I keep it burning right
    If you stay, won't you stay – stay
    A knock on the door sounded as I stood up. I paused my ipod and took off my earphones. 
    ‘Come in.’ I said and relaxed on the bed and closed my eyes.
    ‘Spencer…’ a familiar voice said.
    ‘Ashley?’ my eyes opened as I focused on the figure by the door.
    ‘Can we talk?’
    ‘Depends what you want to talk about…’
    ‘Talk about us…’ she said quietly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

    ‘I don’t want to talk about us. No actually there isn’t an ‘us’ anymore. It’s over.’ I said harshly. I saw a single tear fall down her cheek as she stood up.

    ‘It’s over, Ashley.’
    ‘You bitch.’
    ‘What did you call me?’

    ‘You are such a bitch, Spencer. What’s gotten into you?’ She yelled as she stormed out of the room. I put my ipod on play and placed my earphones gently into my ears.
    This just might hurt a little

    Love hurts sometimes when you do it right

    Don’t be afraid of a little bit of pain

    Pleasure is just on the other side

     Let down your guard just a little

    I keep you safe in these arms of mine

    Hold on to me – pretty baby

    You will see I can be all you need 

    If you stay, won’t you stay- stay 

    Save room for my love

    I exited out of the Carlin house, hopped into my car, and whipped out my cell phone to call Hayden.
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    1. i’m sooo confused. why is spencer being all bipolar with ashley? like honestly, i dont get it. first shes all worried about what they are..then when ashley comes over to talk about it she totally blows her off…and what was up with the whole hospital thing? why did she tweak? i’m totally lost. i thought they were all good.

    2. Love the story…Hopefully Hayden is trying to do something to Ashley and Spencer saves the day.Dun Dun Na Naaa..No seriously there has to be something wrong with Spencer but watever it is it needs fixed…GO SPASHLEY

    3. i’m sooo confused. why is spencer being all bipolar with ashley? like honestly, i dont get it. first shes all worried about what they are..then when ashley comes over to talk about it she totally blows her off…and what was up with the whole hospital thing? why did she tweak? i’m totally lost. i thought they were all good.

    4. Love the story…Hopefully Hayden is trying to do something to Ashley and Spencer saves the day.Dun Dun Na Naaa..No seriously there has to be something wrong with Spencer but watever it is it needs fixed…GO SPASHLEY

    5. Ok i`m all confused. What the hell is spencer problem with ashely. Wonderful update. What going on with hayden and ashely. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    6. Ok i`m all confused. What the hell is spencer problem with ashely. Wonderful update. What going on with hayden and ashely. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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