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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 16)

    I pulled up to Hayden’s house and spotted a faint light on the second floor. I ran up to the door and knocked. Why the hell am I knocking? I wiggled the doorknob and found it open as I barged it. I listened carefully for anyone. I heard faint cries and yelling. Ashley…! I ran upstairs taking two steps at a time holding on to the rail for balance. I saw a light under one door at the end of the hallway. I opened the door and spotted Hayden on top of a naked Ashley.


    ‘Hayden…stop please.’ Ashley cried.


    ‘Shut up, Ashley.’ Hayden slapped Ashley in the face and I cried in horror seeing Ashley in pain.


    ‘Spencer…damn you.’ He said as he got up from on top of Ashley and zipped up his pants. Ashley pulled the blanket from the edge of the bed and covered herself. I saw her bruised arms with red lines across.


    ‘What are you doing here.’ He said as he pushed me to the wall holding up his hand to my neck and chocking me.


    ‘You hurt my Ashley!’ I cried chocking for air.


    ‘Your Ashley…no. I think she is my Ashley.’ She said putting more pressure.


    ‘Ashley!’ I yelled as I tried to hit Hayden anywhere to let me go.


    ‘Spencer…’ She cried trying to rip him off me. She kicked him in the back and he fell forward hitting my head against the wall. He fell to the floor releasing my neck from pressure from his hand. Ashley ran up to me and held me as I gasped for air.


    ‘I am so sorry.’ I cried into the Ashley’s shoulder. Suddenly Hayden’s hand grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I landed on top of him with and purposely elbowed him in the nose. I got up grabbed Ashley’s arm and dragged her out of the house. She took her clothes and followed me out of the house and into the car. She had no clothes on but had a single blanket covering her. I stepped on the gas and zoomed down onto the freeway.


    I looked to the side spotting Ashley looking out the window holding the blanket close to her. I controlled the wheel with one hand and rubbed her arm for comfort.


    ‘Don’t touch me.’ She shot back moving her arm.


    ‘I was just trying to-’


    ‘Trying to what…comfort me. Yeah, thanks a lot.’


    ‘What are you talking about, Ash.’


    ‘If you would’ve just talked to me I would’ve be in this situation.’


    ‘It wasn’t my fault that you went to Hayden’s house.’


    ‘God, Spencer. Your just so, ugh. Just take me home.’ She said avoiding contact with me.


    ‘Ashley, would you just look at me.’ I said trying to look at her and keep my eye on the road.


    ‘I don’t want to see your face.’ Ashley shouted.


    ‘Fine then.’ I said and revved up. I wanted to get as fast to Ashley’s house as possible. We were finally there after a few minutes of silence.


    ‘I can’t do in there.’ She said shaking her head.


    ‘Not my fault.’


    ‘Not your fault. Are you kidding me Spencer? God, what is wrong with you.’


    ‘What is wrong with you, Ashley?’ I yelled smacking my hand against the wheel. She jumped a little and looked out the window.


    ‘I just…I want you to love me…like I love you.’ She said quietly.


    ‘I do love you, Ashley. I just didn’t feel any returning vibe from you. You were more focused on Hayden.’


    ‘I only spent time with him because I thought you weren’t in love with me!’ She cried.


    ‘Ashley…of course I love you.’ I smiled and she turned her head towards me. Her eyes watery, so empty, so scared. ‘Come here.’ I said pulling her into a hug. She held me close to her shivering since she only had a blanket it on.


    ‘Spencer…thank you for saving me. I was so scared.’


    ‘I know I know. Let’s not talk about that right now. I just want you to be happy.’


    ‘I am happy, now that I’m with you.’ She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.


    ‘Let’s get you to the Carline house and into some clothes.’ I replied and held her hand. She gently rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb as we drove off smiling.


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