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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 17)

    ‘Ah, home sweet home.’ I smiled happily parking my car out front. No lights were on so I suppose everyone went to sleep. Ashley got out of the car and headed to the house holding onto the blanket with her clothes in hand. I locked the car and headed after her. I jingled my keys looking for the right one and inserted it through the door knob. With a swift moment I opened the door to my house.


    ‘I always loved the smell of your house.’ She said taking a whiff of air.


    ‘Why, so?’


    ‘Cause it smells like you.’ She said skipping up the stairs.


    ‘Your so cute.’ I said dropping my purse and chased up the stairs after her.


    ‘You can’t catch me she said dropping her clothes by my door and running into my room.’ I closed the door and tackled her onto the bed. I ticked her and she giggled moving around on my bed and the blanket unraveled exposing her skinny frail body. I looked down at her and smiled. I made eye contact with her and she smiled. I got the two ends of the blanket and covered her back up as I sat back up on the bed.


    ‘You have a very umm…nice body.’ I said nervously.


    ‘Thank you?’ She said in confusion and cleared her throat.


    ‘Ehem, I guess we better get you into some clothes.’ I said getting off the bed and heading into my closet. I heard her footsteps behind me as I searched for clothes.


    ‘Spencer?’ She said behind me in a quiet voice.


    ‘Yeah?’ I said getting her shorts and a shirt and handing to them. She quickly dressed and stood there.


    ‘I have to go pee…’


    ‘Are you serious?’ I said turning back laughing.




    ‘You know where the bathroom is. You don’t have to ask me.’


    ‘I know.’


    ‘What’s wrong.’


    ‘I’m scared.’ She said softly.


    I laughed and walked over to her.


    ‘I’ll come with you.’ She smiled and walked to the bathroom. She closed the door as I waited there smiling to myself realizing what was happening. She was scared to use the bathroom at my house…hmm. Funny? I suppose. I heard the toilet flush and the faint sound of water running. She opened the door closed the light and headed back to the room.

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