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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 21)

    I crossed my arms around my chest as I walked slowly in the darkness. I walked past a thousand houses and probably my house but I didn’t care. Walking it just helped. All you had to step forward put one foot forward and then the other. Sometimes you’ll trip over a crack or lose your balance but you get right back up again even if you’re hurt…that’s love for you. You have an easy road and then you hit the bumps and the swerves and you just want to hold on for your dear life but you just can’t. You want to let go so you can just feel the pain but you want to keep holding on for a little hope. For me…that doesn’t work. I fell hard this time….


    +-+ [Spencer]


    I left the house as quickly as possible and trying to be proper. I said goodbye to Nicole and left the party. I noticed that Ashley’s car was still parked on the curve and remembered that I had her keys. I hopped into her car and drove off into the night.


    My phone rang a couple minutes later. I reached for it in my bag and flipped up the phone.




    ‘Spencer!’ Nicole yelled.




    ‘Alysha….she..she floor. Blood…blood. 911. NOW!’ She mumbled uneasily.


    ‘Complete sentences Nicole. What happened?’


    ‘Alysha!’ She yelled


    ‘Wait what happened. Is she in the hospital!’ I said slowly hoping she isn’t.


    ‘Spencer…’ Her voice cracked.


    ‘Nicole. I’ll be right there.’ I replied and shut my phone. I turned the car around and quickly drove Ashley’s car back to Nicole’s house.


    +-+ [Ashley]


    I don’t know where I’m at but I know I just need to be away. Away from Ashley, away from Alysha, away from me….just away. I walked down the sidewalk as cars buzzed by. Loud music, people talking and laughing…just being, happy. I grabbed my phone in my purse and dialed a number I wish I would never dial again.


    ‘Hello?’ A deep voice answered.


    ‘Hey. Meet me in the alley off Broadway.’ I said quickly.


    ‘Got it.’


    I shut my phone and waited on a bench near the alley.

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