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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 22)

    ‘Spencer Spencer…wake up.’ A voice said. Its hands gently shook me to waken me.

    My head was killing me and so was my stomach.


    ‘Spencer?’ The voice said again.


    ‘Hmm..’ I moaned opening my eyes one at a time.


    ‘Spencer, thank god.’ Nicole said smiling.


    ‘Where am i?’ I said looking around.


    ‘The hospital.’




    ‘You collapsed.’




    ‘At my house…I guess you saw Alysha.’


    ‘Yeah…my memory is kinda blurry.’


    ‘Yeah it’s okay.’ She said holding my hand in reassurance.


    ‘My head is killing me.’


    ‘I’ll ask the nurse for some antibiotics.’ She said as she walked out of the room. ‘Can we get some pain killers in here?’ She yelled to no one in particular. I laid exhausted on the hospital bed as a nurse came in with some pills.


    ‘Here are some painkillers and a bottle of water. The doctor will be here soon.’ She said handing me a couple pills. I thanked the nurse and slowly took the pills one at a time.


    ‘Where’s Alysha?’  I managed to say.


    ‘She getting a couple stiches.’


    ‘Is she okay?’


    ‘Yeah, I hope so.’


    ‘Do you know what happened to her?’


    ‘All I know is that some girl went into the bathroom and found her on the floor bleeding. It seemed like she was punched in the face and her head hit the wall.’




    ‘Yeah I know. I wonder who would do that kind of thing. I mean who is really that mad at Alysha.’


    I closed my eyes and an image of Ashley punching Alysha popped into my head.


    ‘Oh my god.’ I freaked out.




    ‘I need my phone.’


    ‘Here.’ She said pulling out my phone out of her pocket.


    I quickly dialed Ashley’s number.








    Hey it’s Ashley. Please leave a message or else I’m gonna kick your ass. BYE!!


    ‘Hey Ashley. I need to talk to you. Call me back.’ I shut the phone.


    ‘Why did you need to call her?’ Nicole asked.


    ‘ I just needed too.’ I said.

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