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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 23)

    I breathed in deeply as I lay still across my bed. It was the night after me and Ashley’s fight on the phone.


    ‘Spencer!’ my dad called out from downstairs.




    ‘There’s someone at the door for you!’


    ‘I’ll be right down.’ I yelled as I got up off the bed. I checked myself in the mirror and walked downstairs. I was greeted by a very sick Alysha.


    ‘Hey…’ She said as she walked up to me.


    ‘Hey.’ I said placing my arms around her and squeezed tight. I breathed in taking in her smell. ‘Mmm. You smell good.’


    ‘Your not doing so bad yourself.’ She smiled.


    ‘We need to talk. Come up stairs.’


    ‘Do we really need to talk now. Can’t we just have fun.’


    ‘No I’m serious. We need to.’


    ‘Spencer…I’m not in the mood.’


    ‘Come on Alysha. I need to get it all straight.’


    She sighed loudly as she came up the stairs.


    +-+ [Ashley]


    One day has passed and I haven’t talked to Spencer yet. It’s only 8:00 and the night is still young. I decided to get dressed and head to a club so refresh my mind. I quickly ran downstairs and got into my car.


    After I couple minutes on the road I decided to turn the radio and started to sing a long with the song that was on.


    I’m lost without u 
    Can’t help myself 
    How does it feel 
    To know that I love u baby 
    I’m lost without u 
    Can’t help myself 
    How does it feel 
    To know that I love u baby 


    I smiled, impressed that I knew the words but slowly frowned thinking about Spencer. I switched the station of the radio and some slow classic rock came on. I sighed lightly and continued to drive.


    +-+ [Spencer]


    ‘Okay so what?’ Alysha said jumping on the bed.


    ‘I need to talk to you.’


    ‘Okay, talk.’ She replied continuing to jump on the bed.


    ‘Okay…well.’ I said as my head bobbed up and down trying to focus on her.

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