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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 25)

    I parked my car outside of Ashley’s house. I sighed softly realizing what I’m actually trying to do. I slowly opened the door and walked towards her door. *doorbell*. I heard fainting giggling and talking and a couple of foot steps. The door finally opened exposing an unfamiliar girl.


    ‘Is Ashley home?’


    ‘Yeah, she’s upstairs and who are you?’


    ‘Spencer…who are you?’


    ‘Lily, nice to meet you.’ she responded putting out her hand. I quickly shook it.


    ‘Can I talk to Ashley really quick?’


    ‘I guess.’


    ‘Like right now.’


    ‘Hmm, maybe.’


    ‘Let me just talk to her okay, gosh. I’m not in the mood right now.’


    ‘Well I put Ashley in a great mood right now and it would totally suck for you to kill it. She’ll talk to you later bye..’ She said as she closed the door on me.


    I quickly door belled again and Lily opened the door.


    ‘What bitch?’


    ‘What’d you call me?’


    ‘A bitch.’


    ‘Fuck you.’ I said as I slapped her in the face.


    ‘You bitch!’ She said as she tackled me down.


    ‘Hey, hey, hey. What’s going on here?’ Ashley said breaking up our fight.


    ‘Ashley I really need to talk to you.’ I said breathing heavily.


    ‘This is all bullshit. I’ll catch you on the flipside, Ash. This high school girl drama is killing my mojo. Peace out babygirl.’ She smiled and kissed Ashley on the lips.


    My mouth dropped as they kissed. Lily pulled back from the kissed and winked at me as she headed in the direction of her car.


    ‘What was that about?’ I asked.




    ‘You kissed her.’


    ‘Yeah so, can’t a girl get a little action?’


    ‘Oh whatever, I just need to talk.’


    ‘Oh, okay well let’s go into my house



    ‘So what do you want?’


    ‘I want to talk…about-’




    ‘Yeah…’ I replied softly. ‘Ashley…what happened.’


    ‘I don’t know.’ She whispered sadly as her head dropped.


    ‘Hey, hey, hey. What’s wrong?’ I said putting my finger under her chin lifting her up. Her eyes were red as a small tear fell down on her cheek.


    ‘I just miss you, you know. Ever since that party it’s been chaos. I just need you back. I want you-’


    ‘I’m here Ashley. I didn’t go anywhere.’


    ‘I just-’ Her voice cracked as she began to sob.


    ‘Oh, Ashley. It’s all right. Come here.’ I said opening my arms.


    ‘I miss you, Spence.’ She mumbled in my chest.


    ‘I miss you too.’


    We stayed there like that for a while. Just me and Ashley on her bed hugging.


    ‘Spencer.’ She said as she lifted her head up.




    ‘I love you still.’ She said quietly and smiled.


    ‘I’ve always loved you.’ I said as I kissed her on the cheek.


    ‘Don’t leave me ever again Spencer.’


    ‘Not unless you promise to never ever kiss a girl in front of me.’




    ‘Good.’ I whispered as I closed my eyes and rocked her slowly. Holding MY Ashley in MY arms.


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