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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 7)

    ‘Wow it feels like I haven’t been here in forever.’


    ‘Well, you haven’t. You want a drink?’ Shannon replied.


    ‘Yeah sure, you know what I like.’


    ‘Okay, I’ll be right back.’


    This was one of my favorite clubs, Kiners. Even though I was a minor I had some hook-ups from a couple of friends and a few girlfriends I had. Yeah…I remember those days.


    ~~ + ~~


    ‘Spencer over here!’ Kim called out motioning me to come sit by her in a booth near the corner of the room.


    ‘Hey Kim.’ I replied kissing her on the cheek.


    ‘Babe, you know my brother Ken right?’


    ‘Yeah. Wasup Ken.’ I said.


    ‘Handshake.’ He replied.


    ‘I still know it.’ I said while doing the handshake we created.


    ‘You still go it.’


    ‘Thanks, I learned from the pro.’ I smiled.


    ‘Spencer, this is his boyfriend Shannon.’ Kim stated.


    ‘Hi Shannon.’ I said holding out my hand.


    ‘Spencer.’ She said nodding and shaking my hand.


    ‘Nice to meet you.’ I said.


    ‘You want to dance Spencer.’ Kim said standing up and scooting out of the booth.


    ‘Sure why not.’


    By the time Kim and I were out of the booth Ken and Shannon were already getting it on.


    ‘Damn how can they get all over each other like that.’ I said disgusted out.


    ‘It’s easy’ she said with a smile.


    ‘Really, how is it-’ She cut me off and brought me into a kiss.


    ‘You’re a great kisser.’ She said in between kisses.


    ‘I learn from the best!’ I said ending the kiss. ‘Let’s get out of here I don’t feel like dancing.’


    ‘Wanna go back to my place. I can show you around.’ She said happily and winked at me.


    ‘What are we waiting for let’s go!’ I said to Kim as she guided me to her car.



    ~~ + ~~


    ‘Spence…Spence…Hello? Earth to Spencer.’ Shannon said snapping in my face.


    ‘Huh, what?’


    ‘You’ve been dazed off like that for a few minutes. Here’s your drink.’ She said handing me a beer.


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    1. Oh man! Spencer, Spencer, you tried to play a player who was playing you. And now you’re running back to Ashley. That’s low but, I want to see how she gets herself out of this one. Shannon didn’t kiss Spencer the way she kissed Ken when they first saw each other so, I think she’s more so straight. And Kim? Spencer hit that, too?! That’s my girl:) I can’t believe she’s juggling three chick’s. PMS

    2. Oh man! Spencer, Spencer, you tried to play a player who was playing you. And now you’re running back to Ashley. That’s low but, I want to see how she gets herself out of this one. Shannon didn’t kiss Spencer the way she kissed Ken when they first saw each other so, I think she’s more so straight. And Kim? Spencer hit that, too?! That’s my girl:) I can’t believe she’s juggling three chick’s. PMS

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