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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 9)

    I woke up with the sound of my phone buzzing next to me. Caller ID: Shannon. Why is she calling?


    ‘Hello.’ I said not wanting to participate in this conversation.


    ‘Spencer…’ She said in a low voice.


    ‘Yeah? What..’ Damn why was I acting so bitchy. Hmm. Period is coming soon. Boo!


    ‘I’m so sorry.’


    ‘Shannon, I don’t even want to here about it right now.’


    ‘Spencer! Please just listen. I had thing for Ken and-’


    ‘Yeah I heard.’




    ‘Kim told me.’ I said slowly.


    ‘I told her not to tell you! Damn it.’


    ‘We’re not together anymore.’


    ‘Please spencer.’ I could hear her crying on the other side.


    ‘Shannon…I’m sorry you choose to do this. You cheated on me-’


    ‘ did you me.’


    ‘What?’ I said nevously.


    ‘With Ashley!’ She yelled.


    ‘How the hell did you know that.’


    ‘Kim. Ashley called Kim telling her that she got with a girl Spencer Carlin…and I suppose there isn’t a Spencer Carlin in the country so I suppose it was you. So I went back to Ken to get back at you.’


    ‘That is so now cool.’


    ‘What you did was cool either.’


    ‘I guess we can’t be together. We can’t live like this. Long distance it doesn’t work out.’


    ‘I know. I just thought we were strong for this.’ She said softly.


    ‘I gotta go Shannon. I’ll talk to you later…’


    ‘Bye. Spence.’


    ‘Goodbye.’ CLICK.


    Kim Kim Kim. What the hell did she do?

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