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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Falling)

    When we woke up the second time, Ashley went out into the hall to make sure Kyla wasn’t around. Part of me felt like I was somehow betraying Kyla by sneaking around, but it was just hanging out right? Besides I’m allowed to be friends with her sister….I think.

    Sneaking out of Kyla’s house, I walked down a few blocks to where I had parked my car, and drove home.

    Driving home I felt awesome, like I had this amazing high. Nothing could go wrong. I wanted to keep feeling this way. This morning had been a good morning. Hell, it had been a great morning. So then why couldn’t this feeling last?

    Pulling up into my driveway, I saw my mom’s car, and then I knew exactly at that moment. This is why, this is why it couldn’t last.

    I did my best to creep into the house and up to my room as quietly as I could. It was just those damn creaky stairs that gave me away. I swear they are out to get me. I don’t even know why. It’s not like I way three hundred pound, and am walking on them.

    “Spencer?” My mom called out as soon as I stepped onto the first stair.

    “Hey mom,” I replied in hopes that I could still get away here.

    “Alex called,” she stated walking into the room. As soon as she appeared, all my hopes of a getaway vanished.

    “What’d he want?”
    “Wanted you to call him back, and he wanted to know what you were doing tonight.”

    “I’ll call him back later,” I replied trying to avoid eye contact with her. She adored Alex, but then again who doesn’t?

    “Spencer,” my mom stated and I braced myself for a lecture. “That boy deserves to be called back now. Why do you avoid him?” More questions that I don’t have answers to. I really wish people would just stop asking them. It gets old really fucking fast.

    “Mom, I’ll deal with it ok? He’s my boyfriend.”

    “Seriously, you spend more time with Kyla and Madison than with Alex,” she went on completely ignoring my comment. She never listens to me.

    “I’m sorry I like hanging out with my friends, and don’t ditch them just because I have a boyfriend,” I stated sarcastically. I think Ashley’s starting to already rub off on me.

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