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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Hide and Seek)

    “Right,” I whispered crawling under the bed, and out of sight.  I never was any good at Hide and Seek…

    “Ashl…” Kyla screamed but was cut off by Ashley opening the door as I sat quietly beneath the bed.

    “What took you so long?” I could hear Kyla ask. I never noticed how mean she was to Ashley before. Maybe it’s just a sibling thing. I mean, me, Glen, and Clay fought too.

    “I was waking up,” Ashley replied like it was the dumbest question in the world.

    “That long?”
    “If it makes you happy, I’ll work on it,” Ashley mumbled. “What do you want Kyla?”

    “I can’t find my shirt,” she replied as I heard the door creak open and she came inside, rummaging through Ashley‘s drawers. Shit…

    “So you think I have it?” Ashley asked obviously annoyed.

    “Well I looked in my room and the laundry room.”

    “Have you tried asking Madison? She borrows half of your cloths anyway.”

    “This is easier to check.”

    “Yeah, but it’s the last place you’ll find it.” I could hear the conversation go back and forth, and Ashley’s attempts at getting the girl to leave.

    “It’s the purple one,” Kyla sighed as I felt the mattress creak from the sudden weight put on it. She was sitting on the bed right above me. The mattress hung in my face, taunting me, saying I could breath so much better if I wasn’t under it. I guess this would be a bad time to mention I’m claustrophobic.

    “You have a million purple shirts.”

    “This one had buttons.”

    “Yeah, cause I know exactly which one you’re talking about now,” Ashley joked, I could almost feel her roll her eyes, and if she didn’t, I did it for her.

    “Seriously Kyla, you know I don’t have it,” Ashley tried to reason with her.

    “Maybe I’ll call Madison or Spencer and see if they’ve seen it,” Kyla gave in, and I felt the mattress shift again as she got up.

    “Good thinking,” Ashley agreed with her, trying to get her out as soon as possible.

    “Yeah, later,” Kyla stated before I heard the door close. Holding my breath, I waited for the ok.

    “Spencer?” I heard Ashley whisper my name.

    “Is she gone?” I exhaled.


    “Finally,” I stated rolling out from under the bed, and taking in deep breaths of air like I had been trapped in a coal mine for months.

    “You ok?” Ashley eyed me.

    “Yeah, just never been so happy to breath before,” I smiled still enjoying the plentiful amount of air.

    “Ok Spencer,” was all Ashley said before laying back down in her bed.

    “I don’t have it,” I stated before laying back down next to her.

    “What are you talking about?” Ashley asked confused.

    “The shirt.”

    “That was random.”

    “I just thought you should know,” I tried to reason with the teen.

    “I’m real glad we got that all cleared up,” she replied as sarcastic as ever.

    “You’re not a morning person are you?” I asked.

    “Na, there’s only three things that wont piss me off if you wake me up for.”

    “And what are they?” I asked interested.

    “Sex. Anything music related, unless it’s Kyla’s music. Then I’ll be pissed off again.”

    “And the last one?” I asked amused.

    “Talking with you,” Ashley smiled smoothly.

    “Do those cheesy lines actually work?” I smirked

    “I don’t know. Do they?”

    “You have a huge head,” I joked pulling the covers over my head to shield my eyes from the sun.

    “You find it amusing,” she assured me confidently.

    “Shut up and go to bed,” I laughed through the blankets.

    “Damn, who’s not the morning person now?”

    “Come here,” I threw the covers off of my head, and pulled her down into me, to where my face was comfortably situated in the crook of her neck.
    “Spencer?” Ashley whispered hoarsely surprised by my action.

    “Shh, go to sleep,” I mumbled into her neck.

    “You’ll be here when I wake up right?” Ashley asked rubbing circles on my back. This was the first time I’ve heard her sound vulnerable in awhile…

    “Of course,” I assured her.

    “Night Spencer.” I felt Ashley relax into my touch.

    “Good night Ash.”

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    1. I really liked this update and I really, really like this story. I’m looking forward to the drama that’s going to ensue once folks start catching on to those two. PMS!

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