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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: So You Think You Can Dance?)

    When we did finally pull up to a building, the sun had started to crawl behind the horizon, and shrink into the distance. Focusing on the place, it looked like a bar. I didn’t know whether I should be surprised or have seen it coming. But I’d never been to this bar before. Getting out of the car and taking a few steps towards the building, I paused for a moment to analyze it. It looked kind of different, but I couldn‘t quite put my finger on it…

    “Come on,” Ashley encouraged me giving my shoulder a quick squeeze before confidently striding ahead of me.

    Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes to brace myself, I gathered my thoughts together, and got ready to create any image I had to. With one last look behind, I followed Ashley inside.

    Inside, it looked any other bar, so far. Ashley had already walked up to the bar, and was walking towards me with two drinks in her hands.

    “Did you want one?” Ashley asked.

    “Sure,” I timidly took the drink out of her hands and took the biggest swig I could.

    “I see you’re pacing yourself, she joked.

    “Yeah, well I got a little experience.”

    “Spencer Carlin, not as innocent as you look,” Ashley smiled raising her eyebrow.

    “Hey, it works towards my advantage,” I continued the playful banter.

    “I think it’s those baby blue eyes that make you look so innocent,” Ashley whispered running a finger across my forehead to brush away a strand of hair and tuck it behind my ears. For some reason, I felt like I had something weird going on in my stomach. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Is this what they mean when they say you have butterflies in your stomach? Because it felt more like a fricken bird.

    “Thanks,” I whispered breathlessly for the second time tonight. Oh my god, what is this girl doing to me? Get it together Spencer!

    “Or maybe you really are as innocent as you look,” she smirked at my reaction. Was she enjoying this?

    “Hey…” I started but was interrupted by an older brunette who was walking towards us. I didn’t know why, but I already hated her…

    “Ashley,” the brunette called out.

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    1. oh i loved this chapter a whole lot like a lot lot, ash was so seductive and got spence to crash at her house so easily maybe spence should have realized she was going to lose by ash’s confidence pms

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