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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Typical (extended))

    Walking into school I felt the same cool breeze run across my face. I was several flights of stairs away from the test that would be the determining factor of my college and maybe even my future. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. But like always I remained confident and poised. Oh I held my cool. I Spencer Carlin will never falter. Composure means everything in high school, and if you don’t keep it together well… My gaze shifted over to the loner sitting on a bench by herself. You end up like her.

    You end up like Ashley Davies. Brushing off the thought I hurried into the classroom preparing for the challenge ahead. My boyfriend came in and sat behind me like always. Star football player, Alex was the guy every girl fell for. But the funny thing is he fell for me. Giving him a devilish smirk, I whispered something only loud enough for him to hear. He smiled back wickedly, imagining the many possibilities that lie ahead.

    Soon after the teacher came in the test began. Chewing on my eraser, I puked out everything I had crammed last night onto the test. By the time the bell rang, I walked away cool and confident. Even my stride reflected my self confidence, it would have been flawless if I hadn’t ran into her…

    “Oof,” I squealed falling to the floor.

    “Sorry,” she murmured offering me a hand.

    “Watch where you’re going,” I shouted. Then I looked up. It was Ashley Davies. “You’re such a freak.”

    “Yeah, and you’re a bitch,” she yelled back at me.

    “Go back to you’re friends. Oh wait you don’t have any,” I whipped back at her, my voice hitting a higher octave. But as soon as I said it, I immediately regretted it. In her eyes the pain showed through, even though the rest of her body hid it. I held my composure. This wasn’t the time to break down. But after this blow she just walked away without another word. I didn’t have much time to dwell on it. I had cheerleading practice to get to.

    Today was tryouts. Kyla and Madison sat next to me judging the upcoming girls. Preps and wannabes alike tried out for a spot that most were way under qualified for. The people on the squad didn’t even deserve to be on it. The first couple girls barley met any standards. I even lowered my standards this year. Maybe King High has simply run out of talent. The fifth girl up began her routine. I was busy finishing critiquing the last girl. When I looked up, the girl was none other than Ashley Davies. She looked different than normal. Her cloths cut shorter exposing her body. Her hips swayed to the rhythm of the beat. Sweat dripped off of her face and…

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