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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Where Do We Go From Here)

    By the time Monday came, I was itching just to catch a glance of her face and those beautiful chocolate orbs. I felt crazy. I mean, I didn’t even know if she felt remotely the same. She probably didn’t, but maybe that would be for the better. Nothing can happen anyways….

    But the whole day I never saw her once. She wasn’t there. Trust me, my attempt to look casual became an over dramatic head swing. I seriously think I might have gotten whip lash at one point. But maybe this was a good thing, so then I didn’t have to worry about being tempted to go talk to her. And yet no matter how hard I tried to convince myself this was all for the better, I couldn’t. The truth was, I needed to see her. So I devised a plan.

    Pulling up to Kyla’s house, I felt my self subconsciously fix my cloths. I wondered if I was taking this too far. But it’s not like I never go to Kyla’s I tried to reason with myself, but deep down I knew exactly why I was here, and I questioned my sanity because of it.

    When the door opened I half expected to see Ashley, but this time, it was Kyla who opened the door. Trying to hide the disappointment, I followed her up to her room. But when we reached the top my heart skipped a beat. Music could be heard blaring from down the hall, and I knew exactly whose it was.

    “Hey Kyla, I’ll be right back,” I murmured trying not to sound too weird and giddy. Why am I giddy? I don’t know if I’ve ever been giddy before. But I couldn’t help but feel myself grin like an idiot, and the saddest part was, I loved it.

    “Where are you going?” she looked at me like I had grown two heads.

    “I just have to pee,” I lied on my feet and hoped it was convincing before I started walking down the hall…ok more like jogging.

    “Spencer you‘re going the wrong way…,” Kyla shouted, but it was too late. I was gone, and the next thing I knew, I was standing in front of Ashley’s door. But now that I was here, I didn’t even know what I was going to say. I should have thought of this sooner, practiced in front of a mirror or something. Why the hell didn’t I like write a speech or something?

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    1. finally an update!!!this was killing me not having any stories to read! this update was awesome though, and I really hope spencer and ashley get together maybe like ashley does something cute for spencer like puts roses in her locker AW! presh! haha one can dream right?!

    2. omg!!! this is a great story!!i love it!!i wonder whats going to happen while they are at school…i hope there is no avoiding eachother lolz…well PMS pleaseee

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