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    Unpredicable – (Chapter: Chapter One)




    Chapter One



    Ashley’s POV


    I made a chose to cheat on my girlfriend with one of my best friends a few months ago. But give me the BOTD I was drunk and I know that is not a good reason but whatever whats done is done. But I have been dating Carmon for about 10 months but I have known Spencer for like 10 years so if I had to make a chose who do you think it would be….. But anyway I am sitting here watching TV waiting for Carmon to call when someone knocked on  my door…


    Ashley: Coming… Hey Spence whats up

       She looked kind of scared

    Spencer: Um hey Ash I need to talk to you like now

    Ashley: well I was waiting for a call but you can come in

      She started fidgeting with her fingers and she only does that when she is nervous or embarrassed.

    Ashley: hey spencer what is wrong

    Spencer: I’m pregnant

    Ashley: omg Spence do you know who’s it is… OMG Aiden

    Spencer: no ash I am almost four months pregnant, I was not with him then and I have not slept with him

    Ashley: well Spencer who else have you slept with

    Spencer: well let me think two days from Saturday would be …… YOU

    Ashley: what Spencer I cant get you knocked up

    Spencer: well miss. Davies I think you did…

        She started to cry I could tell she was not lying I know when she is her voice changes when she lies and she cant look you in the eyes and she was looking so deep into my eyes I thought she could see my soul.

    Spencer: Ash I don’t know what to do I am only 17 my mom is gonna flip and I cant lose my family.

    Ashley: um God Spence I don’t know what I can say but I will stand by you through it all I promise you that.

    Spencer: I am so scared Ash

    Ashley: Are you gonna keep it.

    Spencer: I mean I want to but I don’t know if I can

    Ashley: Spencer I can help you with what ever you need I will be here for the both of you.

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