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    Unpredicable – (Chapter: Chapter Two)

    Chapter Two








    Spencer: what.. Ash whats wrong

       I said running out of the room

    Ashley: Carmon Just heard my

    Spencer: what how do you know

    Ashley: because I just seen her car leave

    ????: Ashley im home and I hope dinners ready

    Ashley: shut up kyla

    Sharae: hey ash…. Spencey

    My little sister said giving me a big wet kiss on my cheek. This is what she does acts like a two year old when she is hypper she must have had coffee.

    Spencer: what did you give her

    Kyla: well she had an espresso but she did not like it 


    Ashley: wow I hope our kid can hold their coffee

    Kyla: So it is true

    Sharae: see itold ya I was not lying HA YOU ow me 50 bucks and glen too

    Spencer: wait glen knows

    Sharae: you know I cant keep anything from glen expsually when he knows my weakness

    Kyla: I know some of you weaknesses too

       Kyla and Sharae have the biggest crushes on each other and they flirt all the time but Sharae will not go out with her.

    Sharae: HA you wish

    Kyla: look I will show you

    Ashley: ok don’t you start that you nasty mick nasty

    Sharae: HeY that is my line

    Kyla: correction that is from “THAT’S SO RAVEN” and I was just gonna tickle her jezze, so whats for dinner

    Ashley: idk Spencer what do you want

    Sharae: why does spencer get to pick

    Spencer: aww does wittle sharae wanna tall us what she wants

      I said teasing her in baby talk because she is the baby of the family so she hates it

    Sharae: Shut up Spencer

    Spencer: or what

    Sharae: nuthing what do you wanna eat I am hungry

    “I’m going home, back to the place where I belong, and where your love has always been enough for me. I’m not running from. No, I think you got me all wrong. I don’t regret this life I chose for me. But these places and these faces are getting old So I’m going home.
    Well I’m going home.”

    Sharae: hello mom

    Spencer: hey mom

    Paula: Sharae where are you guys at

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