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    Untill the day i die,ill be missing you… – (Chapter: awww)


    they awoke the next morning just as the nurse entered the room "you may
    go home now miss carlin" the nurse said staring at the two laying in
    the small twin sized hospital bed. " oh wow I was so emotional yesterday I
    must have not even realized I am back in the hospital, I mean didn’t I
    just leave like yesterday?" spencer asked confused. "yes miss carlin,
    seems like you been spending a lot of time here lately" the nurse
    paused and began to chuckle.

    "spence it was because of me that you are here"ashley whispered.
    "wait.what? how can this possibly be your fault ashley?"

    "Well you see miss carlin, yesterday mr dennison informed us that you
    apparently passed out at the sight of miss davies here, and you also
    jumped out of the car"

    "wow I jumped out of the car! oh wait! I remember now!" spencer began to
    laugh hysterically. so they both got up off the bed and ashley went to
    the nurses station to check spencer out.

     "hopefully she won’t be back so soon this time" the nurse said to ashley.

    "yes ma’am ill make sure of it,Im never going to leave her side ever again" ashley said in a 
    serious tone.

    the nurse just smiled back knowing that she would be true to her


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