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    Untill the day i die,ill be missing you… – (Chapter: what just happend?)


    Spencer opened her eyes and then quickley regretted it, she was blinded by a huge light above her head….Aidan saw that she opened her eyes and ran to the side of the bed quickly flicking off the very bright light, she opened her eyes once again, she tried to sit up very fast but she felt heself being held down by 2 large casts, one on her left arm, and the other on her whole right leg starting at her ankle and ending somewhat near her inner thigh.

    "Wow aiden what happened?, and how did i get here?

    "Well we were on our way back from the video store and a drunk driver ran a red light and they truck the passenger side of my car, unfortunately you were sitting on that side. the doctors said its nothign serious, just a few broken bones."

    "No, wait..thats not the last thing i remember…we were on the couch watching ashleys favorite movie and then there was a knock and we answered it and it was ashley standing there outside our apartment.."

    "No Spence im sorry it must have been a dream, Ashley…shes gone.. i wish i could tell you shes comming back, but she not"

    Spencer began crying and yelling at the same time she was uncontrolable "NO AIDAN! I SAW HER! WE WERE WATCHING "THE NOTEBOOK" SHE IS HERE! I KNOW IT SHE IS NOT DEAD! JUST LIKE I SAW HER THE OTHER DAY! I KNOW SHE IS HERE"…"AIDAN PLEASE BELIEVE ME.."she said as her voice lowered to almost a whisper.

    "Spence i wish i could..i just wish i could…"


    Asheley ran up to what used to be her and spencers apartment, pounding on the door…"SPENCER! SPENCE! BABY! ITS ME! ITS ME ASHLEY! SPENCER?!" she cried out hysterically! "spence..spence..spence.." he voice lowering to a whisper…she turned her back to the door and slid down the door slowly in tears..falling to the ground…she just sat there crying…awaiting spencers arival.


    Ashely sat up not knowing where she was, she was outside of spencers apartment still, she relized she must have fallen asleep when she see’s aidans car pull up to the steps where she is sitting.


    "Aidan can we go home now?" spencer asked hopeing she could get out of the hospital

    "Yes, yes we can, ill go check you out"

    aidan got a wheelchair and pushed spencer out to the car… he layed her down in the back seat so she would be confortable.  Soon after they were on the road. About 10 minutes later Aidan found himself pulling up to the steps in front of there apartment. He saw someone sitting there and once she looked up he realized who it was…

    "OH MY GOD!"

    "What is it Aid? i wanna see"

    spencer quickly tried to prop her head up and as she only saw a glimpse of the girl sitting on the porch, her heart dropped, she started crying, her heart pounding so fast, so uncontrobale, she flung the door open and jumped out of the car, completely forgetting about her current condition. as soon and she jumped out of the car she fell to the ground still crying…

    Aidan was still in shock and by the time he snapped out of it he noticed spencer on the ground "Oh my god spence!" aidan jumped out of the nissan extera and hurridly ran to the other side to help spencer.

    "Spence are you alright"

    "Yea im leg just hurts…ALLOT!"

    as soon as ashley noticed what was going on she jumped up and ran over to spencer…she just stood there staring at spencer on the ground, aidan and spencer did the same from the ground just staring up at ashley, wondering how this could be happening..



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