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    Update from Cravingsoflove

    Okay I know I know…yall hate me for not updating since like forever!! But trust me I was busy…and I have a good reason on why I was. All right…ready? Ready?


    I GOT WITH MY FIRST GIRLFRIEND!!!! first? yes…first! WOOT WOOT! Props to me…HAHAHA it’s the girl that I talked about in my last chapter. Oh em gee you guys. She’s like the greatest girlfriend everrrrr! Like no kidding…So you know…sorry guys, I’m taken by the awesomest person ever! :] I love you baby.


    So okay…Fans…I need your help on this. Since I haven’t been writing for awhile I swear I’ve lost complete direction on were I was going with my stories. So my question is: Should I continue writing Rester Avec Moi or should I end it and write a completely different story? I need FEEDBACK! Please, you guys.


    Anyways, hope you guys aren’t sulking over the fact that South of Nowhere is returning in the fall and is still canceled and that The L Word is ending its series with an 8 episode 6th season. WHACKKK!!!!


    Hope you guys are doing fine, I love you all!!!


    Donnie J – You Make Me Feel (That’s the bombest song ever!) 


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