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    We All Love To Score – (Chapter: 2: We All Have Secrets)


    “Ky are we done yet?” This is the longest divorce meeting I have ever been in. Why can’t they just decide who keeps the bloody dog?


    “Just give me a minute.” She starts rambling on about something or another, getting the wife to agree to the terms. It’s easy to get guys to agree because all Kyla has to do is flash them a cute smile. Who said looks get you nowhere?  She finally finishes but the wife still doesn’t agree, s’pose it’s time for me to step in.


    “How about a 5 minute break, I’m sure we could all use one.”


    “Great idea Ash.” Kyla agrees and we all go out.


    I see the wife go into the bathroom, I follow her in. She is leaning over the sink. “Man this is dragging. Why are you so bothered about a dog?” I ask her.


    “No reason, I just don’t want Charles to have him.”


    “But wouldn’t it be better without the dog. I mean, you have to take him out for walks in the morning, wouldn’t you rather just lie in bed?” I smirk, going over to her. “Why get out of the nice warmth to take out a ratty old dog?”


    “Good point.”


    “And you know how dogs can interrupt the most…” I move my hand along her shoulder and then lock eyes with her. “Intimate moments.”


    “Yeah that dog would always bark when Charles and I were… you know.” She said breath shaking, making me smile.


    “So can’t you just let him have the dog? It would make everyone’s life… and your sex life… much simpler.” I move my mouth closer to her, she is now pressed back against one of the sinks, I love my job.


    “Yeah ok. But this doesn’t mean that Charles has won.” She tries to sound convincing. Yeah, right.


    “Of course.” I smirk as she goes past me and out the bathroom door. I follow her out; she looks around nervously and straightens out her clothes like we actually did something. I look around to see Kyla shaking her head at me. “What?”


    “Please don’t tell me you slept with her.”

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    1. awww poor spencer! james is a dick. run him over with a bus! haha thats my death for characters in stories that i dont like. hahaha. i’m mean, but its ok. he deserves it! great update!! i like this story fsho. i just wanna know when spencer’s gonna serve his punk ass with divorce papers. sarah is totally a little spencer. naive and innocent. loves it.

    2. awww poor spencer! james is a dick. run him over with a bus! haha thats my death for characters in stories that i dont like. hahaha. i’m mean, but its ok. he deserves it! great update!! i like this story fsho. i just wanna know when spencer’s gonna serve his punk ass with divorce papers. sarah is totally a little spencer. naive and innocent. loves it.

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