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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: 4 weeks is the end [Chapter 14])

    4 weeks later…

    We held hands waiting for the announcement for the passengers to start boarding. Ashley was going back to L.A. and I’m stuck here in Ohio. Ashley is leaving me, my love, my life was slipping through my fingers.

    Okay, so maybe I was being a little overly dramatic, but Ashley is leaving. I could barely take it when we were separated at the stupid acting place, and now she’s going to be like a million miles away from me. Okay, so maybe not a million, but pretty close, okay so actually not close to a million at all, but to me it is.

    Tears start to form in my eyes as I squeeze Ashley’s hand tighter. I feel her eyes on me as I look at her and see her almost as bad as me. She kneels down in front of me and lifts my chin up.

    “Baby” kiss “baby” kiss “baby” kiss “baby” She pecks my lips between each baby. I smiled a bit and looked at her as she smiles even wider. She planted another soft kiss on my lips before again looking into my eyes and tucking a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear.

    “You’re such a drama queen” She says as a smile immediately appears on my face.

    “My beautiful drama queen” She says again. I smile even wider as I notice her smile is almost as wide as mine. I look at her asking her the silent question. She just nods her head as I start to look around, trying to find someplace.

    Ashley tugs on my arm and I look at her as I see her looking behind me. I look behind me and see a bathroom. I look back at her as she smiles and immediately stands up pulling me with her. She runs inside as she check under all the stalls and yelling an ‘is anyone in here?’ before running back towards the bathroom door and locking it.

    She picks me up as I wrap my legs around her and she sets me down on top of the sink counter as I start kissing her neck. She lets out a moan as she moves her hands up my shirt and cups my breasts. She massages them through my bra and I feel my nipples harden at her touch. I move my head back and let out a moan, as she takes advantage of this and removes my shirt.

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    1. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

    2. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

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