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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: First Impressions [Chapter 6])

    God, she’s so beautiful, those brown eyes, those curls, and that body. I love her shirt, just low enough to not get arrested, but just high enough to show those tanned abs. A very short skirt and I mean very short, leaving so little to imagination.

    “Hello” The beauty speaks, and with such a beautiful voice, I make eye contact with her and she immediately blushes, she must have seen me checking her out, and as soon as I see her red face mine turns the same shade of red.

    God, what am I doing, checking her out, but, who wouldn’t she is just so hot. And besides it’s not like I’m gay or anything. It’s just like an observation, I wasn’t actually checking her out, just observing her beauty, like regular girls do. Just like when friends call each other hot or sexy, it’s no big deal it’s just playing around, right?

    I’m snapped out of my daze by giggling, very cute giggling at that. I look to where I heard the giggling and notice it’s coming from Ashley, I look at her confused and just looks at me and smiles, and boy does she have the cutest smile I’ve ever seen.

    “You’re cute when you daydream” I think over what she just said. I just tilt my head and smile, and of course blush.

    “Well you’re just cute in general” I respond quickly, and regret it as soon as it comes out of my mouth

    “Thanks Hun” and now I’m not so sorry that I said that, god her voice is just such a turn on you could say

    “I see you two ladies are already friends, so get in the car and you two can talk on the way back.” I turn around to at least help her with her bag, but alas they are all gone. I assume Mr. Lynch over here already put them in the trunk. I mean what else could he have been doing while I was admiring Ashley here.

    I open the door for Ashley and then it hits me, I’ve been flirting with her, or trying to anyway, I mean, a friend wouldn’t find her friend’s voice a turn on like come one, and she’s just so beautiful, so maybe I, nah couldn’t be.

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