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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: I do, I really do [Chapter 12])

    ““What the hell is Madison’s towel doing here?”

    “And why are her clothes here too” She asks pointing at the pile of clothes in the corner.

    “There’s a real logical explanation for that” I say, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

    “See what happened was”

    “Did you sleep with her?” Ashley cuts me off.

    “What? No!” I scream out.

    “How could you even think that?” I yell out, sure we haven’t known each other that long, but she knows about my past and stuff.

    “Well what do you want me to think, her towel and her clothes are here”

    “If I didn’t sleep with you, why the hell would I sleep with that whore!” I yell out as tears start to form in my eyes.

    “I don’t know, tell me what makes me so special?” She yells back, tears also threatening to come down her beautiful face.

    “Because I love you” I blurt out and the tears already start streaming down my eyes. I sit down on the bed.

    “Because I love you, because I love you, because I love you” I just repeat over and over again, each time getting more and more drowned out by my tears.

    I feel an arm around my body and I just hug Ashley. I cry in the crook of her neck quickly feeling much safer. She lies us both down as my tears start to disappear and my crying subsides. I start to feel my eyelids get heavier and heavier wanting to cover my pupils.

    I start to give in, that is, before I am shook and woken up.

    “Say it again” She says as she runs her hand up and down my arm sending goose bumps up and down my spine.

    “I love you” I say, knowing what she wanted to hear, and I’m glad to say it.

    “So how bout you give me that logical explanation” She says as she pulls me and her up and looks straight into my eyes.

    “Umm, sure, but you have to promise me one thing.” I say, she just nods and crosses her heart for so I know she’s serious.

    “Promise me, you’ll listen to everything I have to say before you get mad or just leave, ok?” I ask her.

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