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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: What a bad morning following a goodnite [Chapter 9])

    “Ashley, is Spencer in there with you?” I wake up to Mr. Lynch’s voice, which I must say I don’t really like. I thought I would wake up to Ashley’s sweet voice. Oh crap, wait, that was Mr. Lynch, I have to say something.

    “Yeah I’m in here Mr. Lynch.” I say from the bed, it’s not like Mr. Lynch can see me anyway..

    “Spencer, why aren’t you in your own trailer?” He asks me, I think about it for a second and just remember last night’s events.

    “My shower is broken, so I came over here and asked Ashley if I could use hers and she let me” I responded and I could’ve sworn I saw Ashley let out a deep breath.

    “Oh ok” He simply said convinced. I smiled and decided that I could go back to sleep, and Ashley would join me in a few minutes. I fall asleep and dream about yesterday’s events.

    You hungry” Ashley asks me, I nod, I haven’t eaten since I left home like in the morning and stuff. We head towards the cafeteria that was told to have 24 hour food service. We even have our own trailers which is even cooler. We were told a lot at the meeting. About rules, and how they were going to choose the winners and stuff. And it seemed easy enough. Even though we only listened to half of the rules, because we were in the limo ‘searching for the script.’ We found the script, but for some reason it took us an hour to find.

    What you thinking about?” Ashley asks me

    I’m thinking we should get a limo when we’re famous.” She gives me that 1000 watt smile and I return it. And there is another good thing that happened, I made another friend, besides Ashley, if you could even call Ashley a friend, we sort of jumped over that stage. Well anyway, Madison, she explained what we missed, Ashley made some smart ass comments but Madison ignored them, she pretty much just looked at me throughout the whole explanation. This of course didn’t help her win any friendship points with Ashley.

    But I don’t care, I don’t want Madison, all I want is Ashley. We bought some food and decided to eat back at the trailer. We went outside and then she stopped.

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