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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: You can trust me [Chapter 13])

    We continued the kissing until we were both in need of oxygen. We just look into each other’s eyes before either of us makes a sound.

    “I love you” Ashley says to me. I immediately smile and kiss her.

    “I love you too” I say as we’re kissing. I can feel her smile on my lips and I decide to make the first move to what’s to come later. I reach in her robe and land on her breast. I start to caress it and immediately feel her nipple become hard through the silk.

    “God Spencer” She moans into my mouth and it feels so good. I feel her start to graze my abs and start to head south. I follow her movement and start to head down too. But before I get to my destination Ashley breaks the kiss and starts sucking on my breasts through the bra I have on. She bites the top of the bra and reveals my breast with her teeth. She starts to suck on my nipple and I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

    I gasp when her hand cups my center. She stops biting my nipple and looks up at me and looks into my eyes. I bite my lip and nod and she smiles and continues giving my breasts the attention that I love. She starts to graze my center with her palm and I can just feel myself so close.

    “Oh you’re so wet” I hear her say as she licks my nipple and plays with my other breast with her free hand.

    “You’re so close too” She also says. I just grab her face and pull it up to my face and kiss her so hard.

    “Do you want me to fuck you” She whispers to me

    “No” I tell her. She breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. I can see she is sort of confused.

    “Make love to me Ashley, now” I say. She smiles and leans in towards my ear.

    “God, I’m going to love you all night” She whispers as she bites my ear lobe. She goes back down and immediately heads to my center and starts to kiss my thighs. She starts to take off my panties and does it as slowly as possible.

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