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    What really happened next

    I was laying on her shoulder and she was runing her fingertips over my thigh and I had my hand playing in her hair on the other side of her body.  "I love you."  I whispered

    She stoped moving her fingers and froze and I thought crap why did I have to say anything she turned her head to face looking right in my eyes, I felt frozen like her eyes were pulling me in and then she kissed me, it wasn’t long or full of lust it was soft and when I put my hand up to cup her cheek I felt a tear fall over my finger.  I pulled away to look at her and I felt my heart break.

    "Ash whats wrong?"

    "I love you too."  She whispered it was so quiet I almost didn’t hear her. I lifted her chin with my fingers and laughed a little as I talked.

    "Hey you know it is usually a good thing when two people love eachother."  She smiled at me and just hugged me close.

    "I love you so much Spencer."  I realized this was getting a little to emotional for her and so I got up and took her hand.

    "Come on we need to get some sleep."  We walked up the stairs and back into her room.  She layed me down towards the bottom of the bed and we kissed a few small kisses, she really does take my breath away.  She pulled the covers over us and before I knew it she was asleep.  I pulled the covers tight around us and looked around the room one more time before moving closer to her and falling asleep.


    Morning came way to soon I could see the light even though my eyelids were closed.  I opened them slowly and I noticed right away Ashley wasn’t their I thought for a minute I dreamed all of that. 


    "Im right here."  I turn my head and their she is, still wearing the same thing as last night and holding cups of coffee for us.  I think about how many times she has probably woke up next to someone and for a minute it bothers me.

    She smiles at me and I stare at her and smile back.

    "Are you alright with everything that happened last night with us?"  She asks me and I really want it to be special for her too.  I put my head in the sheets and shake it thinking of everything that we did last night and how perfect it was.  She crawled over to me and pushed the hair away from my face.



    "Whats wrong?"  She keeps moving the hair out of my face and then she says the nicest thing.

    "You are so beautiful."  And I need her to know Im ok.

    "Stop, Im ok its just, its a big deal and I want it to be for you too."  She smiles at me and then nods.

    "It is."

    I tell her I thought when I first woke up it was a dream and she said she didn’t even want to get out of bed.  I wanted her to come back to bed so bad but when I asked her to she gave me my phone and needless to say our morning was cut short because my brother got hurt and was in the hospital.

    It seemed like event after event happened after that night alot of it keeping us apart but I will never forget how perfect it was for our first time together.


    The End

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    1. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

    2. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

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