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    What really happened next

    "Are you ok?" She asks so sincere.


    "Do you want to move up on the bed?" She looks so nervous, I have never seen her this nervous she is playing with the bottom of my shirt and running her fingers along my belt subconsiously so I just nod my head and climb up towards the pillows. She sits at the bottom of the bed for a second and then climbs on top of me. Her body on mine is so exciting to me and when she leans down to kiss me again I feel like I am falling into her. She looks down at me and I feel so close to her right now. I rub my hand along her arm, and then up into her hair, she lets a moan slip into my mouth and I feel so powerful I love her so much and I love the noises she is making. We continue to kiss for at least an hour and my body is on fire, I want more and I realize she does too she just doesn’t want to push me. I reach under her hair and untie the part of her shirt around her neck even though it doesn’t move her shirt much, I think I suprise her because she leans back to look into my eyes and a silent communication goes through us. It doesn’t take her long she leans back in to kiss me and her left hand goes right under my shirt she slides it up my right side and then wraps it around my back. She puts her right hand on my neck and then pulls me on top of her as she rolls on her back without breaking our kiss. She runs both of her hands under my shirt up my back and all the way up my neck into my hair and then pulls my shirt all the way off barely breaking our kiss, I had no idea how hot my body was until she did that I am burning up, she runs her fingers through my hair and pulls the clip holding the top of my hair up out and I shake my hair letting it fall around us like a curtain and I kiss her softly. She rolls me to my back again and breaks our kiss and I moan missing her lips on mine she looks at me and smiles what I can only describe as an evil smile, and then brings her lips down to my neck and if I thought the sensation of her mouth on mine was intense when her tongue started to flick and suck my neck the words just came.


    1. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

    2. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

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