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    What really happened next

    "Ohh fuck Ash." She leaned up to look at me with a big grin and I pulled her back down to my neck, no one had ever done this to me and it felt so good.

    She spent a few more minutes sucking, licking, even biting a little at my neck. I would have never thought that someone biting me could feel so good. I had my hands in the back of her hair and I was pulling her harder against me she ran her hands up my sides and pushes my arms above my head as she thread her fingers through mine and pushed her leg against my center. "Mmmm" was all I could get out I was so overloaded with sensations that I thought I would explode Ashley slid her tongue along my collarbone and up the front of my throat over my chin and then licked my lips before she sucked my lower lip into her mouth and then kissed me again. She was rocking her thigh back and forth and I thought I was going to die. She sat back on her knees bringing my hands to the bottom of her shirt and with my hands in hers she pulled her own shirt off. I have seen Ashley without a shirt alot but this was different, she is so beautiful I let go of one of her hands and ran my hand over her neck and down the center of her chest to her stomach, something I have always wanted to do but never let myself, I couldn’t hold back any more.

    "I…I..have always wanted to do that." I smile at her and my voice cracks, I look down.

    She raises my chin with her fingers and smiles at me. "Its ok." She pulls me up so that we are both on our knee’s and pulls me in for a kiss, she leans back to look at me and moves her hands to the clasp of my bra, I take a deep breath and she just looks at me.

    "I..I can stop." I wanted her to do alot of things but stoping was not one of them.

    "No, I’m just nervous," I whisper and move back in to kiss her but this kiss is deep I wrap my hands in her hair and she pops the clasp on my bra. She pulls the straps off my shoulders and I feel her hands cup my breast her thumbs rub my nipples and I break the kiss for a much needed breath.


    1. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

    2. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

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