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    What really happened next

    "Are you ok?" I laugh at how concerned she is.

    "Yes sorry its just getting hot in here." She smiles at me, I lean back in and kiss her and she pushes me on my back and breaks the kiss moving quickly to kiss down my chest and take one of my nipples in her mouth then her other hand finds the other one and she rolls it in between her fingers.

    "Oh my god Ash." She looks up at me with my nipple still in her mouth and circles it with her tongue before wrapping her lips around it again.

    She moves her mouth back and forth for a few moments and then kisses down my stomach when she reaches my skirt she stops and looks up at me.

    "Please." Is all I can get out I dont even trust my own voice. She pulls my belt off and when she pops the button she looks at me again but this time she has a big grin on her face as she leans down and pulls the zipper down with her teeth.

    "OHH" She pulls my skirt down and I feel very under dressed with her still wearing all of her clothes aside from a shirt.

    "Come here." I say trying to calm myself from feeling self consious basically naked. She crawls up to me and kisses me again, I reach around her and pop her bra off which is hard to do when she moves back to kiss my neck. When I finally get it off I move my hands down to the button on her jeans and she leans back to help me and I very un stealthy get them off so that we are both almost naked now. I run my hands over her body and when I reach her breast I lean forward and wrap my mouth around her nipple they are so soft I run my hand over her other breast and she runs her fingers through my hair. I feel like I can take the lead at least for with this so I push her on her back and I smile at the suprised look on her face, I reach up and kiss her, then I move to her neck and I can feel her pulse in my mouth where I kiss, so far this has been my new favorite thing to do to Ashley, her breathing picks up and she has her hands tight in my hair and I know she likes what I am doing because she is moaning like crazy.


    1. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

    2. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

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