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    What really happened next

    "Ohh god……Spence that feels so fucking good."  I was mad with desire for her I couldn’t think I had one goal and that was to get as much of Ashley as I could.  I felt her put her hand on my head and hold me in this one spot and so I pushed harder into her trying to get her to feel even half of what she made me feel.

    "Oh fuck Spence I’m going to cum."   I think I blushed when she said that but I added a third finger and slammed my hand into her as hard as I could.  I felt her hips come off the bed and I could feel her muscles tighten around my finger.

    "OHHHHHHHHHHHH SPEEEEEEEEENCEEEEEEEEER"  She screamed and she squeezed my head in between her legs.  I didn’t know what to do now so I just kept going she closed her legs tighter and moved her arms down to pull me up to her.

    I looked at her face and she was sweating so much her hair was stuck to her face and she just kissed my forehead and layed me on her chest we almost stuck together from our sweat.  I wrapped my arms around her and I think I fell asleep, I woke up to her kissing my forehead and my eyelids.

    "Did I fall asleep?"  I asked her pretty sure I already knew the answer.

    "If you did I wouldn’t know because I think I did too."  She kissed me and then leaned back fixing her pillow to make us more comfortable.

    "Ash……?"  She looked at me with the most concerned look on her face.


    "Im hungry."  She smiled at me it was like 3 am and I was thinking about my stomach.  She kissed my forehead again and started to get out of bed.  She went to her dresser and put a white tank top and a black pair of underware on and then brought me a grey tshirt and a pair of underwear she had just bought.

    We went down stairs and she made me a sandwhich with some chips and grape’s on the plate, she sat down in her big oversized lazy boy in one of the living rooms and I sat on her lap and even though we didn’t talk very much we had alot of really sweet kisses and the grape’s went from her mouth into mine and from my mouth into hers and the same thing even with some of the chips.


    1. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

    2. Ok, who are you and where did you come from? I can’t believe you are a new comer. You keep posting these amazing stories/one shots. You’re the next Clome44 because when I see your name, I get all excited….(yeah, I can see people shaking their heads) I’m such a fiction whore! And I feel bad sometimes but, I love getting caught up in SON stories. I didn’t get like like when I starting watching The L Word or tuned into ABC soaps daily for over 6 years. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. Thanks for filling missing pieces. PMS

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